< 5: Fox - Mountain dialect by Exu Yangi Finnstek by Tristan Alexander McLeay 7: Mango - Northern dialect by Natalia Gruscha >

Translated by: Tristan Alexander McLeay
Tai laana akka falje biddit laana akka mwinjanga veire affe.	

Nada aa aremwappja wap.
Tai affea czeffinns.
Tai laana akka heikkezsa hai biddit laana feinje.
Tai laana kkile!

Tai xaila laafeja kaat cze me feil.
Tai leina aremwap siva bifalem.
Tai leina czes karim, czes falfe, czes keipt.
Tai czimpa cze czeifaa lein.
Tai laan czeidje.

Tai faarezsa meine veire affe:
tai @mpi ep maine ep lein.
Kkileji laafe, tai lain czes aa laive.
Kkileji laafe, tai lalla meip.
Tai laana kkile!

Tai laana akka tarri hai siva
Tai laana akka tarri hai siva eilw@.
Tai laana biddit lein arai czes hai fali.
Tai laana patti.
Tai falja cze me laan.
Smooth translation:
I wonder while walking beneath the trees.

Deception is the same as belief.
The trees are wild.
I fear the horror of death as I wander.
I am alone!

Suddenly, a divinity moves onto the path
He lies and so waits.
He is unskilled. He is faultless. He is unharmed.
Something unknown moves towards him.
He waits.

There is a bed of grass beneath the trees:
A feather on a cushion on it.
O loneliness, life is long
I am alone!

We fear reason because we drink.
Because we eat, we fear reason.
I believe that there is no fearing good.
I think.
Good moves onto me.
Translation of previous torch Missing
Interlinear Missing
Glossary/mini dictionary
nada            <Particle: (see below)>
arai            <Particle: can>
tai             <Particle: normal sentence>
ep              <Particle: on>
me              <Particle: onto>
aa              <Particle: Present; Copula>
akka            <Particle: Progressive>
czeifaa         <Particle: towards>
veire           <Particle: under, beneath>
laan            <Pronoun: First Person>
lein            <Pronoun: Third Person>
bittid          <Relative Pronoun>
kkile           alone
czimp           an unknown, a something to fear
meine           bed
wap             belief
maine           cushion
xeikke          death
eilw@           eat
falfe           fault
xai             fear(s)
@mpi            feather
xail            god(dess)((e)s); divinit(y)(ies)
fali            good
faare           grass
kept            harm
aremwappi       lie, untruth (noun)
lall            life
kkilei          loneliness
meip            long
kaat            make. (see also below)
cze             move
czes            no; not
feil            path(s)
tarri           reason
karim           skill
siva            so (because of that)
laafa           that, there. (see also below)
patti           think
affe            tree(s)
bifalem         wait
czeidje         wait, doesn't move
mwinjanga       walk
feinje          wander
czeffinns       wild
falje           wonder
Grammar notes
-A phrase begins with a particle. Anything before it is mearly 
introductory---establishing who or what is ebing talked to.
  - 'Tai' is used for normal sentences.
  - 'Dai' is used for Qs.
  - 'Nada' is used for the first sentence of a retelling of a story, 
something the speaker is unsure about, a conditional sentence etc.
-'maak' (make) before the verb is used to express that something happened 
suddenly or unexpectadly.
-'laafa' is used as a vocative marker, like english 'O'.
(In order on nouns, as particles, on verbs:)
-'-i', 'ai' and 'j-' mark future tense
-'-a', 'aa' and '0-' (nothing) mark present tense or the copula ('to be')
-'-w@', 'ei' and 'w-' mark past tense.
With the copula and two nouns ('Life is death', say), the particle method 
of marking tense/copulas is preferred.
For more info about tense, read that email.