< 14: Cenlatorre by Amber Tæĺf by Jonathan North Washington 16: mërèchi by Amanda Babcock >

Translated by: Jonathan North Washington
Please see PDF file for smooth Tæĺf text.

zæĺf+brər, tæśt+z bam jæŕf+z bam kyhkal hænsət+z ðæĺń-PostBound kæssym+vəuā
fæðrək+z+vyr boa/val-PostBound+ań. kyhkal kæĺk+z dáur+an. auny+yuðəuā et+z
kfə+kəu+táumaj zæĺf+snaðæ máulan+aŋ jəulys læjkəs jæks+sjææā ə(u)+lækþ+þa
sæsləs+snáðææ zæĺf sáurak+aþ máulan+aŋ. fətsī læŕk+z taunasásē+ań bam
jaufatátē+ań, bam fətsī væŕŕ-PostBound dæjs zæfŕ-PostBound+byr/vyr aðy(u)+yuðəuā
jæks-PostBound kæðəm+z+þa báuyao/váuŋal+ań byo lyuryusáujər+brəŕ/vrəŕ
kelg/keok+yuðəuā ráug+saya+as. 
Smooth translation:
During winter, the old and the weak and also the young gather inside of the
stone which is ~at the soft grass. Also, there's a wolf. We believe these things
are done to them by winter, but, we believe that winter evidently knows (evil's
difference from good / the difference between good and evil). If sub-deities
dance and sing, and, if the green spring sends good greetings to you in the air,
while one follows oneself, lead to the other. 
Translation of previous torch
In the winter, the old and the weak/sick, and also the young, always gather
inside the stones that are in the soft grass. And also there are wolves. We
think that winter causes things to be done to them, but we think that winter
evidently/obviously knows the difference between good and evil. It is said that
if daemons/fairies/spirits dance and sing, and if the green spring sends through
the air their happy greetings to you, while following oneself, please lead to
the other one. 
Interlinear Missing
Glossary/mini dictionary

    (w/b)áutań	wātana		speak
    sáurań		sārana		listen
    fáural		fārala		recount
    jaatamatee	gātavatī		want
    sáurak		sāraka		know
    (v/b)áujak	vājaka		bring
    (ŋ/y)áusaŕ	ŋāsara		hear
    kaasyáree	kāsajarī		hide
    raamalásee	rāmalasī		sit
    máulat		mālata		be quiet
    fáuðaŕ		fāðara		write
    dáuŕ			dār			~be, exist
    kaadamálee	kādavalī		wander
    máulaŕ		mālara		guard, care for, act as a sentinal
    jáuhaĺ		jāhala		depart ofr/towards, leave for (+iðēa)
    máuf			māv			see
    mauzajánee	māzajanī		need

    (v/b)ao		vāl			gather
    táumaś		tāmaja		do
    máulań		mālana		believe
    jáukas		jākasa		be good
    taunasásē	tānasas		danse
    jaufatátē	gāfatatī		sing
    (b/v)auya(o/ĺ)	vāŋala		send
    sáujəŕ		sāgara		follow
    ráuk			rāg			lead


    (v/b)ær(v/b)ək		vērvok		theif
    hænf					hēnfo			shrine, temple
    þærfəń				þērfon		priest, profit
    dæf					dēv			word
    gæĺs					gēlso			silver
    kær(s/z)				kērzo			crystal
    læzś					lēzjo			item
    kæń					kēn			sun, day
    bæŕń					vērno			truth
    lævrəń				lēvron		falsehood
    kæ(o/l)dəś			kēldoj		fortune, prophecy, prediction
    jærməs				gērmos		tear (liquid)
    kæśĺ					kēglo			pain
    læńś					lēnjo			distance
    jæŕń					jērno			place
    mæf					mēv			sight

    dæśs					dējzo			spring
    zæĺf					zēlvo			winter
    kæssymh				kēssom		grass
    fæðrək				fēðrok		stone, rock
    kæĺk					kēlko			wolf
    læŕk					lērko			subdeity
    jæks					jēkso			good
    læjkəs				lējkos		evil
    lækþ					lēkþö			difference
    sæsləs				sēslos		evidence
    zæfŕ					zēfro			sky, heaven, air
    kæsðəm	 			kēsðom		greeting


    tæj(t/d)				tējdo			old
    hæńsə(t/d)			hēnsod		young
    jæŕ(f/v/b)			gērvo			sick
    ðæĺń					ðēlno			soft
    læŕk					lērko			eternal
    jæks					jēkso			good
    læjkəs				lējkos		evil
    væŕŕ					vērro			green


    þa 				þā				ACC
    (b/v)yŕ			vir			in
    (b/v)əuā			veā			at, LOC
    yuðəuā			iðeā			to, DAT
    ðeehii			ðīhī			for (on behalf of)
    sjyurəŕ			sjyrer		after
    ljaustyŕ			ljāstir		about
    (b/v)rəŕ			vrer			during
    tjaŋh				tjōŋ			because, since, because of
    snáðææ			snáðē			by, with, using; performed by, done by, INSTR
    sjææā				sjēā			from, originating in


    ri					rjo			here (1)
    rjas				rjas			there (2)
    rjaþ				rjað			there (3)
    et					eto			this (1)
    etas				etas			that (2)
    etaþ				etað			that (3)
    -, ə(u)-			-o, o-		I (1)
    -as, asy(u)-	-as, asi-	you (2)
    -aþ, aðy(u)-	-að, aði-	he/she/it (3)
    -aŋh, auŋjy(u)-	-āŋ, āŋgi-	us (1)
    -aþ, auþy(u)-	-āþ, āþi-	you pl. (2)
    -ań, auny(u)-	-ān, āni-	them (3)

    other stuff

    autsəok			ātselk		only
    -(ə)k				-ke			question particle
    teemə(u)-		tēme-			doer
    bamh				vām			and
    fətsii			fétsī			if
    jəulyś			jelyj			but
    kyhkao			kuhkal		much, very, a lot
    byo				vle			reflexive particle
    keok				kīlg			other (used as noun, adjective.. not quite regularly
    -saya-			-saŋa-		imperative marker
    -z					N/A			plural

Grammar notes
Prebound and Postbound forms of nouns and verbs are forms that make more
phonological sense for how to take on other morphemes (prebound takes stuff
before it; postbound takes stuff after it; citation form is what's found in the
dictionary and is also nominative case). A noun solely in the post-bound form is
an adjective modifying the next noun.

Normal sentence word order is SOV.

Postpositions come after the nouns that are modified by them, and attach to its
postbound form.

Pronouns attached to a post-bound form noun are simple present tense. Pronouns
attached to a pre-bound form noun make possessed nouns (e.g. ME+HOUSE-PreBound =
my house; IT+COLD-PreBound = its coldness).

Consonants with an h after them or an acute accent (´) above them (e.g. ĺ, ŋh,
&c) are unvoiced.

participles are made with the following morphemes bound to the beginning of

    lyury(u) = present	"[person who is] eating"
    ly(u) = past	"[person who has] eaten"
    aurə(u) = future	"[person who] will eat"
    kə(u) = passive	"[apple which was] eaten"
    gfo/kfo + participle morpheme = perfective:
    kfolyury = present perfective	"[apple which is] being eaten"
    ... past perf	"[apple which has] been eaten"
    ... future perf	"[apple which] will be being eaten"
    ... passive perf	"[apple which has been] eaten"

or something like that

The plural morpheme in this dialect of Tæĺf is -z. In other dialects first vowel
of the whichever form (prebound, postbound, or citation)'s template is replaced
with əula (X-SAMPA: @uL6).

The entries in vocab.txt are in the following order:

    Tæĺf		Tēlvo			English

Tēlvo is an ancestor of Tæĺf; it's the source from which Tæĺf words are derived.