Torch: |
Ei-bardh-a o-eilos! Eze-dagu~b wa'ash gub ga'uzii-daguvdhab dhaz guvdhab:
Tzrusn-a elikuh-viht sudmufihs uzoi-adetz...
Tzo thule~ uzoi-jet.
Dwi uzoi-daglend sha'manoi.
Ozoi-thule~ parchm, sudsudbroond oz.
Tzo thule~ uzoi-tep.
Az uzoi-diiel, ya'fyao ashoi-daguvdhab,
- Ei-tzii o-bardh! Eze-thule~ ash elikuh-tub.
Gores uhzoi-datha~b sha'waju.
Tzo thule~ uzoi-jet.
Sha'ilu lihrdh uhzoi-telos, i sha'seflat.
Tzo kheza~ uzoi-jet.
Tzii o-bardh, tzo kheza~ uzu-jet, i ta'tu azu-baryug.
Az uzoi-diiel, ya'fyao ashoi-daguvdhab,
- Ei-tzii o-bardh! Eze-kheza~ ash elikuh-tub. |
Smooth translation: |
O father god! Communicate to me a sound that will tell this statement:
The strength suddenly becomes windy...
His listening begins.
Water makes food greater.
He listens to those far away, he becomes slightly sad.
His listening ends.
Me, it causes (my) mouth to tell,
- O my father! Listen to me beneficiently.
A tree improves a house.
His listening begins.
A youngster fears all, and darkness.
His gaze begins.
My father, his gaze began, and then i married.
Me, it causes (my) mouth to tell,
- O my father! Gaze at me beneficiently. |
Glossary/mini dictionary |
adetz transformation, become
ash me (non-nominative)
az i (nominative)
bard to give birth / beget
baryug marriage
broond sorrow
dhaz this
diiel cause
dwi water
eilos deity
fyao mouth
glend greatness
gores tree
gub sound, word, noise with meaning or significance
gu~b communicate
guvdhab speak
ilu all
jet beginning
kheza~ gaze, watching (as opposed to 'seeing' passively)
lihr youth
manoi food, eat
mufihs wind
parch (from _partz_) something or someone far away
seflat night
telos fear
tep ending
tha~b health, improvement
thule~ listening (active, as opposed to 'hearing' passively)
tu then
tzii my
tzo his
tzrus strength
tub goodness, beneficience (opposite of 'malevolent', not 'evil')
viht appear, connotations of suddenness
waju house
subject-tense complexes:
ashoi- i present-routine subjunctive
azu- i past
eze- you singular imperative
ozoi- he present-routine
uhzoi- 'they/one' singular present-routine (common, non-sex-differentiated
uzii- it future
uzoi- it present-routine
uzu- it past
-a the
da- causative
ei- vocative
elikuh- adverb
i and
-h/-dh 'doer' noun, performs the action of the root. "softening mutation"
-m plural
-n archaic singular, "an instance of..."
o- male
sud- adjective
sudsud- (adjective)-like, somewhat (adjective)
Prepositions and Case Prefixes:
ga' that / which / que
sha' direct object
ta' in
wa' to
ya' by means of, instrumental |
Grammar notes |
1. In the fifth line, the last word is _ozoi_ with acute accents over the last
two letters. This is a 'verbless' form of the subject-tense complex _ozoi-_,
signifying "be / be at / become".
2. Verbless sentences have the understood copular "be" or "be at" verb.
3. When a subject-tense complex is attached to a root, it is a conjugated verb.
otherwise it's a noun.
4. In sentences with two nominative pronouns, the one attached to the verb is
the subject and the one by itself is just a prelude to an upcoming different
form of the pronoun, as in "you! i thought you stopped!". In rokbeigalmki the
initial "you" would be in nominative form.
5. The 'softening' mutation ususally is shown orthographically in latin
transcription with an {h}, such as the pair {g} /g/ > {gh} /G/. However, others,
such as {tz} > {ch} and {b} > {v} are less clear. |