< 16: Chleweyish by Carlos Thompson Arovën by Joshua Shinavier 18: Demuan by Fabian De-l'-isle >

Translated by: Joshua Shinavier
Andawilvän tyëmeholno.
Delvowilvän fyillefyörvo cïsa'nilin.
Holowilvän baldoloro cëlïehëlvarënen.
Yn tyëmän awro ëa'vrëzelön.
Smooth translation:
The great bird sings a beautiful melody.
The bird of the river ruffles its feathers in the mist.
The bird of song speaks of the greatness of (all) the night-time stars.
To this song all of the illustrious ones listen.
Translation of previous torch Missing
Anda-wilv-än   tyëm-e-holn-o.
large-bird-the song-acc.-sing-dep.

Delv-o-wilv-än          fyill-e-fyörv-o
(river<--of<--bird)-the feather-acc.-shake-dep.


Hol-o-wilv-än                 bald-o-lor-o
(song<--of<--bird)-the  (greatness<--to)-speak-dep.


Yn    tyëm-än  awr-o          ëa'vrëzel-ön.
acc.--song-the listen_to-dep. all-chief-person-the
Glossary/mini dictionary
ande = large, great, big
wilv = bird
tyëm = a sweet melody, song
holno = to sing
delv = river
fyild = feather
ve'fyörvo = to shake up, to fluff up
cïs = mist
nil (syn.) = in (3-D)
hol = music, song
balde = great, famous, glorious
loro = to speak
cël = night
ëlv = star
yn (syn.): makes following phrase into a d.o. (acc.)
awro = to listen to
vrëzo = to stand out, to be chief or greatest among
ëa indicates some "entire group of"
Grammar notes Missing
Pronunciation (ASCII) text/plain