< 4: Khangathyagon by Sylvia Sotomayor Tenata by Pete Bleackley 6: mërèchi by Lila >

Translated by: Pete Bleackley
somese kakumislu lonosuslu waxofe slatus. sosetapunonping rujolisisi wafe
slatus. soxatemlu rulonguping lotsimomomuxamlang wamospwe, ksim somese
kasetatsimomlu wafe slatus. somese lolusukimirelelu wafe slatus. sowaksikelusmix
rumese tikisanping lomesemuxamakwa wamesexemosfe slatus. somese rupunonping
kamirelelu muniracanilu wafe slatus. somese rucumislu tifimolisi wafe slatus.
somese rupemameninlang tin rulen ticanyiping locitelalu waxofe slatus. somese
rungowaping kawetakim lokimaclu wafe slatus.
Smooth translation:
We went to the sea in spring. That journey was difficult. Snow blanketed the
mountain path, but we went by those mountains. We were at the plain of mint. A
fallen oak obstructed our path. We went across the plain with a small wind. We
saw the sea. We made good food and traded it on the shore. We went home in
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