< 3: Silindion by Lars Finsen Asha'ille by Elliott Lash 5: Kamakawi by Arthaey Angosii >

Translated by: Elliott Lash
Ayana n'eni jho sarn. Keyanu ne rékretil, pas pithevni vesaer kunath esún ke.
Jhor'iroyi t'eni. Arin kénjeni ne das chiróm, kret'vesik mirv kuna k', t'kénkeni
nom. Eisarvni énillev ne shola te nyai'ol. Mirv cchiyan vel'eni k' (jhor'cchiyan
t'ejhsa). Dirshavejh ssha vëp'esni énillev ne nyai'ol kep? Sshavpeni ssha
kénkeni ne das chiróm! Sshavpejh ssha mirvenil vedá vesaer eseire mlo feilán
kedá k'. 
Smooth translation:
This is about a boy. Once upon a time, he rested beneath the night-sky. He was a
night-watcher. He tried to see the stars, but when the night came, he could not
see them. He began to feel sad and melancholy. A young-girl came to him (she was
a beloved). She asked 'why are you feeling melancholy'? He answered 'I can't see
the stars!' She replied 'you should come out from under the darkness of the
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