< 2: Urianian by Jim Henry Silindion by Lars Finsen 4: Asha'ille by Elliott Lash >

Translated by: Lars Finsen
Iė aralėo emė lėorvi panwė sindėa i nerassėavi. Aphain turninna. Aninin tiliello
naksin i silinyari.

Liė, vankia ahwilin i ssurni eo tiliello teissi. Nenyassin nė asirrėn

Ahwilin lier i phanwėanna nė aphelkėn o vanu anukun. Oro i phanwė: "Esi vóyello
tildįn naksin i silinyari!" "Lindėsi fililė ėassalim palandi," oro i lier. 
Smooth translation:
Once upon a time a boy was sitting under the blue sky. He was waiting for the
night. He wanted to see all the stars.

But when the night came, he did not see them. He became sad and started to

A maid came to the boy and asked him why he cried. The boy said: "I cannot see
all the stars!" "I think you came from under a stone," the maid said.
Translation of previous torch Missing
Interlinear Missing
Glossary/mini dictionary Missing
Grammar notes Missing