< 3: Seinunjdjé by Shreyas Sampat Khamtra by Andrew Smith 5: Fox - Mountain dialect by Exu Yangi >

Translated by: Andrew Smith
Chelkkian en Orrue

Be tetepan olme shi k-teregian, na karant asheti:
En orruani dibant
Nashastan shian shorrume-ya-seshume shut.
...shakhine puete na.

Esh ashete tuleshe na, be uldan tulimares,
esh karreggole kalat na
gushut keltane, kraume, ei pranume
gukhepan k-ganian
...karreggolt shakhin pue

Ashete krichme-ya-drakhe en orrue sherre shi
Ashet kefalsh en keppe palene shi
Ta shakin puet, pak asheten tulimaren
Ta ashet, chuan dane sa deshe-ya-deshe digol
...shakhine puete na.

Chugolt ashete kabe pake shi
Ashet khurfum shekses sipare shi
Preit kide shi -
Gunom kanan tan
...mergol shakhin puet
Smooth translation:
I walk under the tree

I am deceived in the place where I would believe, so these happen:
Around the wild trees
I wander afraid with the horror of death.
...by means of one person.

By this path, I am thrown from the Real,
By false anticipation
Without talent, fault, or injury
I do not know if I will return
...one person is anticipating.

Around this bed of grass, at the tree floor
This cushion around the head in feather
Mr One Person, flee from the Real
Mr This, I flow through life during the day of day
...by means of one person

This drink in the stream
This food in the oak's nut
Nothing in the good -
No time I think mister
... loving one person
Translation of previous torch Missing
Interlinear Missing
Glossary/mini dictionary
Nominative: -0, -e (feminine), -an (neuter)
Accusative: -en, -n
Genitive: -es (can be adjectival)
Dative: -e (singular), -i (plural)
First person singular:
-an (simple)
-ian (irrealis)
-kian (habitual)
Third person singular:
-t (simple)
-golt (progressive)
Third person plural:
-ant (simple)
The progressive verb ending -gol can be declined like a noun.

ashet: this
be: passive marker
chelk-: to walk
dan: life
desh: day
dib-: to be wild
digol: during
drakhe: grass
ei: or
en: under (preposition)
esh: highlighter marker
gan-: to return
gu-: negative marker
gushut: without
k-: relative prefix
kabe: drink
kalat-: to be false, to be untrue
kan-: to think
kar-: happen, occur; do, perform, engage in
karreg-: to expect, to anticipate
kefalsh: cushion, pillow
keltanan: talent, skill, knack
keppe: head
khep-: to know
khurfum: food
kid: good
kraume: fault
krichme: bed
na: so; (as a postposition) by means of, via, per, with
nashast-, to wander, to drift
nom: time
olme: place, location
orruan: tree, neuter
pak: stream
pak-: to flee from, to escape
palen: feather
pranum: injury, damage, harm
preit: nothing
puet: person
sa: through (postposition)
seshum: death
shakin: one
sheks: oak
sher (sherr-): floor
shi: in, at (postposition)
shi-: to fear, to be afraid of
shorrum: horror
shut: with (postposition)
ta: form of address, male person
tetep-: to deceive
tereg-: to believe
tulesh: path, course, route
tulimar: Divine Reality, spiritual space
uld-: to throw, to toss
ya: of


I found two words I had not glossed chu-, to flow, and sipar, nut;
and omitted to say that the ending -i can be plural nominative as
well has dative.  What later translators, especially Exu, made of
those omissions I await to see.
Grammar notes Missing