Glossary/mini dictionary |
Note that part-of-speech isn't very important in Tûsyelan, as a verb stem can be
used as a noun and vice-versa
wayanaalôhat - walk
jaats - tree
óìr - do, make
ansâni - trust
yernó - place (see after numbers and pronouns)
sund - deceit (sometimes 'cunning', see dìnstén)
âintô - influence
óózùl - very (used immediately before verb,adj,adv)
sìntón - wild
ânyìš - dread
ârneeln - death
ård - fear
waynaal - wander
hâytô - person
lâws - thing (see after numbers and pronouns)
tlhašt - joy, happiness, bliss
dìnstén - craft, skill (sometimes 'cunning')
lâwnjan - fault
ranlìình - offense
óderdj - false, wrong
ódantâ - belief of how something coming will be
raandj - banish
laalra - return, fall
nešlha - certainty
luntš - bed
ùôyn - grass
dlé - colour
lânt - wood
raatš - a type of wild semi-tropical? fern
dlìnóó - plume, tuft
róš - head
ólaalra - flee/flow/fly, leave, run (away (from))
niôs - life
yóón - day
nìnôt - stream
nâyìnt - drink
tât - oak
nut - nut
sâynìnt - food
ótûlùn - good
teent - time
ódlân - beauty
tšlhì - think (of, about)
zólh - love
Note that the "object of the postposition" is the word or phrase before it,
unlike with prepositions where the "object" is the word or phrase after it
dó - marks the direct object
yata - located "at"
yata dat - located "under", "underneath", "below"
se - genitive, similar to "of" but in reverse. e.g. ‘x se y’ = ‘x's y’ or ‘y of
x’. also keep in mind that when something translates to, say, "pity of Bob" or
"Bob's pity" that it's often hard to tell if it means "(my) pity of Bob" or
"Bob's pity (of me)". Usually it means the latter, though, and ólaha is used for
the former. Also used as a relative pronoun in some cases, as in ‘[verb phrase]
se [noun phrase]’ = ‘[noun phrase] that/which(/where) [verb phrase]’. Also can
be used to connect not just a noun, but an 'adjective', to a noun.
ólaha - dative postposition, indirect object, cause of an action, object of
action of motion.
ónyii - accusative postposition, destination of action of motion.
jalh - commutative postposition, "with".
ójalh - uncommutative postposition, "without".
dji - similar to some elements of ablative and commutative, "by way of", "by
(the light of Bob's torch)", not "by (the house)" (that's "zanh yata lìn").
Sometimes can be substituted with "olaha" when it means "x for y" (x y dji) or
"from x to y" (x y dji) and of course "x by y" (x y dji).
haya - topic marker and generic linking verb that accepts tense markers, but not
really person markers.
Other Particles
šó - ‘x šó y’ = "x =cause;effect= y", "x, so y", "y because (of) x". x and y can
be full sentences, even whole paragraphs. iow, "[x = paragraph] šó [y =
sentence, paragraph, \/\/]" = "And because of all of x, y".
óš - the inverse of šó, ‘x óš y’ = "x =effect;cause= y", "x because (of) y"
tè - shows likeness, ‘x tè, [y = verb phrase]’ = "like x, y"; ‘x tè y [z =
action verb, verb of equality]’ = "x z-ed like y" or "x =(z) y".
tómó - "and", usually substituted for a postposition so that a (or multiple)
similar type(s) of word(s) can follow and take the postposition for the whole
string of words.
denó - "but", can be used like tómó (with a different meaning of course), but
usually is used to join whole phrases (not that tómó can't be used like
Pronouns and Numbers
Note that pronouns in Tûsyelan change case by use of postpositions, except for
the irregular posessives.
ólh - none of us
ór - none of you
óh - none of them
ilh - I
ir - thou
ih - s/he, it
ûlh - two of us
ûr - two of you
ûh - two of them
eelh - we
eer - ye
eeh - they
Posessive Pronouns
ósye - belonging to none of us
órye - belonging to none of you
ónhye - belonging to none of them
isye - my, mine
irye - thy, thine
inhye - his, hers, its
ûsye - thy/thine and my/mine
ûrye - your/s (dual)
ûnhye - their/s (dual)
eesye - our/s
eerye - your/s
eenhye - their/s
sat - 0
lôr - 1
nes - 2
sân - 3
róój - 4
tìlns - 5
sùùnd - 6
dólaa - 7
nóndaa - 8
lósaa - 9
ndaa - 10
In Tûsyelan, to count how many of something there are, you use the counting
numbers (the same as above except for 0-2) followed by the genetive marker se
followed by what you're counting.
Counting numbers
ó (óse) - 0
i (ise) - 1
û (ûse) - 2
Also know the following:
yernó - place
yernó lh - first person place, "here(, by me,us)"
yernó r - second person place, "there(, near you)"
yernó h - third person place, "over there(, by him,her,it,them)"
lâws - place
lâws lh - first person thing, "this (thing, by me,us)"
lâws r - second person thing, "that (thing, near you)"
lâws h - third person thing, "that (thing, over there by him,her,it,them)"
ó lâws - nothing |