< 8: Okaikiar by Mark J. Reed Atlantic by Muke Tever 10: Livagian by And Rosta >

Translated by: Muke Tever
Iâššééne est šénd še henes bonqes ke iovses,
Iâššav še élle vikne meše,
Iâššav še pâdré, tâmmé né lihné âpvééto mag,
Iâššav še šâmbes, tovs né éxné'f est

    Ve nâllos bârkše tovs véivavr adâ bârte erte. 

Teg prisondâ tâmmé adâ:

    "Elijure primabera ne?
    Plantšure rišé šâs ne,
    Jestire jéve ote adâ primabera'f,
    Tâmmé pthânnos siré adâ âbberte." 
Smooth translation:
Winter is like the old, the sick, and the children,
And like a big hunting cat,
And like a rock from which the moss cannot grow,
And like teeth which have no shame

    Or sharp claws that are carried to the hunt. 

So we ask it:

    "Are you gracious in springtime?
    Wandering in your kingdom,
    Greeting the beloved god of spring,
    Who leaves green trails." 
Translation of previous torch Missing
Interlinear Missing
Glossary/mini dictionary
The digraph |nq| is supposed to be |ŋ|, but as this wasn't composed or sent from
my original computer, I didnt dare send it entire :p

âbberva   (v)    drop, release, leave behind
adâ       (pos)  to; also accusative marker
âpvééva   (v)    grow from, sprout (intransitive)
bârte     (ppl)  brought, worn, carried
bârkše    (adj)  sharp
bonqe     (adj)  ill, sick
elijavsa  (v)    be gracious/generous, show mercy (progressive stem eliju-)
élle      (n)    cat, feline
éxné      (n)    shame
est       (v)    is, plural "erte"
'f        (pos)  by; also genitive marker
hene      (adj)  old
jestsa    (v)    greet, handshake (progressive stem jesti-)
jéve      (n)    god
ke        (conj) and (between items in a list)
iâššav    (adv)  like
iâššééne  (adv)  alike
iovse     (n)    child
lihné     (n)    moss, lichen
mag       (v)    be able, know how
meše      (adj)  big
nâllé     (n)    claw, [finger/toe]nail
ne        (pos)  in
né        (adv)  not
ote       (adj)  beloved
pâdré     (n)    rock, stone
plantos   (v)    wander (progressive stem plantšu-)
presva    (v)    ask (progressive stem pris-)
primabera (n)    spring[time]
pthânné   (n)    footprint
rišé      (n)    kingdom
šâmbe     (n)    tooth
šâs       (adj)  your
še        (conj) and (between clauses)
šénd      (n)    winter
siré      (adj)  green
tâmmé     (pron) demonstr., rel. and third-person pronoun, plural "tovs"
teg       (pron) for this reason (because, therefore)
ve        (conj) or
véivavr   (n)    the hunt
vikne     (adj)  hunting
Grammar notes
VSO order (verb-final in subclauses). Modifiers follow their nouns.

Plurals are formed in -es (for nouns ending in -e) or -os (all other nouns).
Adjectives don't agree with their heads in number.

Some of the more difficult conjugated verbs (parts of "can" and "be") have their
direct translations given, to save on explanation.

The citation form of verbs is the aorist stem, and when the progressive stem
differs, I've so noted.

Progressive endings:

           singular  plural
       1    -ve       -ndâ
       2    -re       -be
       3    -te       -nqte

Aorist endings:

           singular  plural
       1    -va       -ndâ
       2    -ro       -do
       3    -to       -nqto

Since the terminology gets mangled about so much... 'aorist' here means action
viewed as a whole--usually past, but also in conjunction with other verbs, as a
sort of infinitive, so "want to do" would have "do" in aorist--and 'progressive'
means action viewed as happening (usually present).