< 1: Ebisedi by H. S. Teoh Praxian by Bryan Maloney 3: Mijador by Mia Soderquist >

Translated by: Bryan Maloney

Airánðís heltain ðepyan.
Pain felenpenairaflíramis daina díbyámdes.
Dain enpyeðramdaina 'ekdes
pain felenpenairaflíramis te'ek daina díbyámdes
sômen apipainidain «Apakeðôn entimôrbavekis enípiyíp dímôr.» sômôrdes.
Apiheltipaina tenenûmôripain sômen
«Lar heltinat sô'enza lar felaheltat ðe'a
lar enpyeðramlara eneha'ek apkônlar «Apakeðôn enso'ekenípiyípa dímôr.»
hehamôrtis.» sômôrdes.
Pain tenmôrdaina «Bavekan apaket dômitelanis ðemen gagarðekun ðebyen»
Smooth translation:
A woman minds a child.
She could put him into their yurt.
Or he could have his fun
then she could put him into their yurt because of what he had done.
And then she would ask him "What is the explanation for the disruption that
you caused in front of everybody?"
He would say to her (because of what she had asked),
"Ever since I was a little baby, and even now that I am a youth,
every time I have fun you say 'What is the explanation for what happened in
front of everybody?'"
She would reply, "Because this disruption makes my heart ache and causes me
And so it goes again and again.
Translation of previous torch Missing
(and lexicon and grammar)

airánð-ís     helt-ain      ðe-pyan.
  N    f drt   N    m irt  prt  V

pain fel-en-pen-airaflíram-is     daina   dí-byám-des
 f3  prp gen p3      N     f irt    m3   imp  V   sub

dain  en-pyeðram-dain-a     'ek-des
 m3  gen    N     m3  m irt  V  sub

pain  fel-en-pen-airaflíram-is      te-'ek  daina   dí-byám-des
 f3   prp gen p3      N     f irt  mot  V     m3   imp   V  sub

sô-men   ap-i-pain-i-dain   ap-a-keð-(h)ôn   en-ti-môr-bavek-is    eníp-iyíp
 conj   dat e  f3  e  m3   dat e  m2   f1   gen pl  N    N   f drt  pre   N

 dí-môr   sô-môr-des
imp  V   pat  V  sub

 ap-i-helt-i-pain-a      ten-en-(n)û-môr-i-pain   sômen
dat e   N  e  f3  m drt  mot gen  pl  N  e  f3     conj

lar heltin-at      sô-'enza  lar  fel-a-helta-(a)t    ðe-'a
 m1    N   m irt  pat   V     m1  prp e   N   m drt  pre  V

lar   en-pyeðram-lar-a     eneha-'ek   ap-kôn-lar   ap-a-keð-(k)ôn
 m1  gen    N     m1 m drt  suc   V   dat  f2  m1  dat e  m2  f1

en-so'ek-eníp-iyíp-a       dí-môr heha-môr-tis   sô-môr-des
gen  N    pre  N   m drt  imp  V   con  V  emp  pat  V  sub

pain t(e)-en-môr-dain-a      bavek-an       ap-a-ket dômitelan-is     ðemen
f3   mot gen  N   m3  m drt    N    n dem  dat e f1     N      f drt  conj
gagarðek-un      ðe-byen   sô-môr-des
   N     fo drt pre  V    pat  V   sub

 con   V   e emp
Glossary/mini dictionary
cow, woman
yurt, dwelling of a Tribesman
(neut) foolishness, stupidity, wrongdoings; (for.) evildoings, petty crime
pain of the heart, a wound to the core, that act which stops all activity
(masc) the desert wind, a dust devil, (for.) disorder, disruption
heifer calf, bull calf, child
unweaned calf, pre-toilet-trained child
the dome of the sky, the sun's place
word, speech
fun, amusement, silliness, play
to be called, to have the name
to do
to have the time in the past (begins answer to question "when did it
to go, to come
to bring, to take
to move around the perimeter of a circle or circular path
to speak, to say
to herd, to guide, to watch over
and, therefore, the second happens after the first
and, the first and second happen concurrently
Grammar notes
Praxian forms some verbs by using a third person imperative. For example:
"pain daina píbyám" means "she compels him to go/come" or "she sends him".

Since Praxian is rigidly verb-final, this means that some sentences can end
up with a whole string of verbs, each one nesting the clause.

Praxian cases are seen as relations between nouns and have the following
structure: casemarker-subject-object, thus "endrawaha"
(genitive-people-waha) means "people genitive waha" or "waha's people".

The emphatic ending can combine in colorful ways with continuant tenses,
with the simple continuant, it usually means the act in question always
happens or is "happening ALLLL the time".

Praxian has no interrogatives. Instead, all "questions" are phrased as
commands. Politeness is determined by context, relationship, and most
importantly, by delivery. Praxian has no form of the verb "to be". One can
speak the attributes of something but not say what it *is*. However, there
are circumlocutions that can be used--but they vary from topic to topic.
Some things are "to be" identified by their substance, some by their use,
some by their name.

At times the demonstrative can take the place of a second-person genitive

Praxian storytellers will often drop out of the subjunctive when relating