< 3: Mijador by Mia Soderquist Eloshtan by Josh Roth 5: Tyl Sjok by Henrik Theiling >

Translated by: Josh Roth
Qilje ragotco hwectec.

Haloctocuf tefk vato tell vilti klaq. Filef, so
haloctocuf tefk vato tell vilti klaq vi, “Malaglak jijiswek leck covock?”
hoq qusafoctaf. So, ragotco “‘Malaglafos?’ hoc qusafostam farala sef
pregjemtev glill farala klaq qercemtev gliq teltek vusokol gliqk filemev
gliqk,” menteleftec. So, “Tes jijiswefenye olyoctoc tem nala kasaracov,”
mentelect. Teltek cekel llefegleck muramuranyo tcenif.
Smooth translation:
Lady cares for child.

She makes him/her go to the inside of their house.
Because he/she plays, she makes him/her go to the inside of their house, and
"What on earth are silly words?" she asked him/her. Because (of this), child
"'What on earth are you doing?' you asked me from when I was an infant to
when I grew up every time I play," said to her. Because (of this), "Your
doing of silly things causes misfortune and cuts my soul," she said. All
these things repeat endlessly as blinking.
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