< 17: Arvorec by Dan Jones Gladilatian by Dennis Paul Himes

Translated by: Dennis Paul Himes
Mehapat Senmutsnau Lrfxyo Wemse

Xa mehapat senmutsnau lrfxyo wemse
We fetmrohot hamrau frekfmu.
Fozmrsrefa mrohot fetfrekfmu fenyu.
Nlyma fetfrekfmu lrfenyu.
Frekfmu za mro zvasnau we fetmrnlu hamrau.

Srefmu slyletyo u.
Ma yletyo slwesnau fetfmu mrsrefenyu
Ma u za mzawa we hyamrsnalxomytu hluryt
We mrnrotwesnanlu zmryletyo fetfmu srelmynyu.
Srefmu hyamrnrotsnanlu xluhu.
Smooth translation: Missing
Translation of previous torch Missing

Mehapat Senmutsnau Lrfxyo Wemse

Me.hapat Se.nmut.sna.u Lr.fxyo We.mse
p.n      p.at.at.su    st.ad   at.n

associated-with.weather under-the-control-of.hyper.sentient.(nominalizer)
(opposite).loud (plural).word

This is an independent phrase, not a full sentence.

This contains an example of nested prepositional phrases, so "mehapat"
modifies "nmutsnau" and "senmutsnau" modifies "wemse".

"Nmutsnau" is the standard way to translate the human concept "god".


Line 1:

Xa mehapat senmutsnau lrfxyo wemse

xa me.hapat Se.nmut.sna.u Lr.fxyo We.mse
c  p.n      p.at.at.su    st.ad   at.n

because associated-with.weather
under-the-control-of.hyper.sentient.(nominalizer) (opposite).loud

The notes for the title apply here also.

"Xa" is really only part of the conjunction.  "Xa...we" is the


Line 2:

We fetmrohot hamrau frekfmu.

we fet.mro.hot hamra.u frek.fmu
c  p.st.su     ad.su   st.n

therefore with-respect-to.not.(abstractor) surrounded.(nominalizer) past.I

The "h" in "fetmrohot" is not really part of a morpheme; it's just
there to
separate the "o"s.

"Mrohot" is something of a vague term.  It can mean "nothingness" or
"emptyness" or any related concept.

The suffix "u" usually is used to nominalize an adjective or attribute.  So
"hamrau" is "something surrounded".

Note that the "xa...we" conjunction is joining independent phrases, so the
second conjunct ends with "hamrau".  "Frekfmu" is therefore
being identified with the entire conjunction, although semantically it
really identifies with the second conjunct, as is common with "xa...we".


Line 3:

Fozmrsrefa mrohot fetfrekfmu fenyu.

fo.zmr.sre.fa mro.hot fet.frek.fmu feny.u
p.st.at.n     st.su   p.st.n       ad.su

at.(relative).(future).place not.(abstactor) with-respect-to.(past).I

"Fa" can mean a point in time as well as a place in space.  "Zmrsre"
it is in the future relative to some other understood time (such as the time
refered to in the previous sentence).


Line 4:

Nlyma fetfrekfmu lrfenyu.

nlyma fet.frek.fmu lr.feny.u
n     p.at.n       st.ad.su

hearing with-respect-to.(past).I (opposite).found.(nominalizer)


Line 5:

Frekfmu za mro zvasnau we fetmrnlu hamrau.

frek.fmu za mro zva.sna.u we fet.mr.nlu hamra.u
p.n      c  ad  p.at.su   c  p.st.n     ad.su

(past).I both zero near.sentient.(nominalizer) and with-respect-to.not.sound

"Snau" means "sentient being", such as a human or gladifer.


Line 6:

Srefmu slyletyo u.

srefmu slyletyo u
at.n   st.p.n   n

(future).I very.in.forest someone


Line 7:

Ma yletyo slwesnau fetfmu mrsrefenyu

ma ylet.yo sl.we.sna.u fet.fmu mr.sre.feny.u
c  p.n     st.at.at.su p.n     st.at.ad.su

if in.forest very.(plural).sentient.(nominalizer) with-respect-to.I

"Ma...ma...we" is the conjunction begun here, joining full sentences.  It
means "If ... and ..., then ..."

"Slwe" is the standard way to express "many".


Line 8:

Ma u za mzawa we hyamrsnalxomytu hluryt

ma u za mza.wa we hya.mr.sna.lxomyt.u hluryt
c  n c  p.n    c  p.st.at.ad.su       n

and someone both directed-to.light and
using.not.sentient.modified.(nominalizer) giver

"Mrsnalxomytu" can be translated as "wilderness".

With "hluryt" (giver) the thing given is denoted with "hya" and the
recipient with "mza".

Don't worry if this makes no sense to you.  It made no sense to me, either.


Line 9:

We mrnrotwesnanlu zmryletyo fetfmu srelmynyu.

we mr.nrot.we.sna.nlu zmr.ylet.yo fet.fmu sre.lmyny.u
c  st.at.at.at.n      st.p.n      p.n     at.ad.su

then not.same.(plural).sentient.sound (relative).in.forest with-respect-to.I

"Snanlu" means "voice".  "Zmrylet" means "into".


Line 10:

Srefmu hyamrnrotsnanlu xluhu.

sre.fmu hya.mr.nrot.sna.nlu xlu.hu
at.n    p.st.at.at.n        ad.su

(future).I using.not.same.sentient.sound singing.(nominalizer)

Again, "snanlu" means "voice".

The "h" in "xluhu" is not really part of a morpheme; it's just
there to
separate the "u"s.
Glossary/mini dictionary Missing
Grammar notes
    In translating this, it's important that you understand Gladilatian
syntax, which is quite different from English.  It is all explained at
http://www.connix.com/~dennis/glad/grammar.htm.  If you have trouble with
it I can send you a syntactic analysis of the poem.
    Here is the poem line by line.  First I have the Gladilatian.  Then I
have the Gladilatian with the mophemes marked.  Then I have the morpheme
type.  Then I have a morphemic analysis.  Then I have some notes.  In the
morphemic analyses words in parentheses are used for descriptions of the
morphemes, words without parentheses are translations of the morphemes, and
dots are used to separate morphemes in the same word.
    The mopheme types are:
ad. adjective
at. attribute
c.  conjunction
n.  noun
p.  preposition
r.  relative
st. state
su. suffix
    Feel free to email me if you need any help.
Other notes text/plain