< 3: Rodeys by Joe Mondello Curco by Pablo Flores 10: Kash by Roger Mills >

Translated by: Pablo Flores

Vil saces azárec menmen un-vuis
Un-not hentyn waum ful nain faha, zap isis cezyc
Zitel rirvel faha
vic vuin hates ljombjen ejec menmen
Hi pau fissen, pau nemeven, pau alval
lis fis na zos sace pau izin-rihélyn
fataz fis zuc man taz
ha zos zuces nus sacyr senec zohoz
Smooth translation: Missing
Translation of previous torch
Mystic vision

Among the ferns they all wander, on and on,
All through the night under the sky, moonish gray,
little and delicate,
They come to rest on their leaves, time after time
So tired from so much buzzing and so much dancing
And so much mutual hurt from this fern to that
But this soul however breaks free
Like those souls that come off the fern

    dazo- 'focus, concentration'; rai- 'look' =
    dazorai 'mystic vision, total concentration; vision
    of the underlying divinity' -- it's a technical term.

Vil   saces azárec    menmen    un- vuis
among ferns wander.3p on_and_on all.3pNEU

    NEU = neuter/neutral

Un- not  hentyn waum  ful   nain faha, zap  isis cezyc
all.time during night under sky  these like Moon metallic_gray

     'metal', <-yc> '-like'; this is the non-matte
    gray of certain metals.

Zitel  rirvel   faha
little delicate these

vic  vuin   hates  ljombjen ejec    menmen
over 3p.PSS leaves rest.OBJ come.3p on_and_on

    PSS = possessive
    OBJ = objective or goal; this inflection on verb roots
    means 'in order to X'

Hi     pau fissen,      pau nemeven,  pau alval
due_to so  hum/buzz.INF so  dance.INF so  tired

    INF = infinitive
     'so, so much (of)'
     means 'to hum a melody esp. while working,
    to mumble, to whisper to oneself, to whistle, etc. while

lis  fis  na zos  sace pau izin-      rihélyn
from this to that fern so  each_other.hurt.INF

fataz            fis  zuc  man           taz
in_spite_of_this this soul break_free.3s however

ha   zos   zuces nus sacyr    senec zohoz
like those souls off fern.LOC go.3p those.REL

    LOC = locative (essive) case
    REL = relative pronoun
Glossary/mini dictionary Missing
Grammar notes Missing