Torch: |
/aāleē al/ e trālä bē'teœö bî a yå tale cadrē drakēn. ē ō löl •sā menē cad /öt,
e vej al/ lam₽ē' can' ē öta arcē bē'cwat. ē ō cwat bē'yanda •sā hîv cyåldövt.
a /aāleē swes
ē ō örikan ma cwat aös, /aāleē ce /öt blöhяēn löl ō ochîvtöm ēcäto aköla. ē ō
löl zej xēt, e ē ō aköla ₽al\ ma ē. |
Smooth translation: |
After being at the source of a river in the north for a long time, the ruler had
been eating many different plants which acted as drugs and it caused him to
become hungry for power. He really wanted control of the country.
about the bloody ruler
He got the thing he desired because the plant which he ate, gave the ruler, the
knowledge to attack. Then he ate and then punished himself. |
Glossary/mini dictionary |
/aāleē ruler
/öt. plant
•sā Aspect - Progressive signifies an event is changing over time.
a Signifies that what follows is the location of the verb. most
commonly translated as at. Found after bî.
a about
aköla attack
aköla ₽al\ punish (lit. attach with a purpouse)
al/ Tense - In the far past, that between the time you were born and
about yesterday.
aös because, as
arcē Power, control, command
be' prefix that signifies more of something. e.g. bē'ja to jump higher
or bē'keçē very small. can also be an adjective coming after the woed,
bî introduces a prepositional phrase
blöhяēn Signifies the next word is a verb in the passive voice
cad bad
can' throughout
ce if there are two nouns phrases in a row with ce in between. 2nd does
the action of the verb to/for 1st. in other words ce makes the np before it in
the dative case
cwat want, wish, desire
cyåldövt land, country, kingdom
drakēn north
e to be
e and
ē 3rd person singular. he, she, it, him, etc.
ēcäto Knowledge
hîv possession of
lam₽ē' to form, create, make the tense it takes is further in the past than the
action takes place in. (so here tense is Immidiate past)
löl to eat
ma Aspect - signifies same aspect as previous sentence, if the previous
word ends in a vowel then it realises as the suffix m
menē thought
ō Tense - Signifies the tense if the same as previous sentence
ochîvtö to give
örikan to find
öta Aspect - inceptive
swes bloody
tale cadrē river (lit. moving water)
teϚ time
trālä Aspect - Marks a length of time, usually followed by a word telling
you how long the ammount of time was.
vej Pronoun used for the object of the previous sentence
xēt then
yå First, start, begining
zej Aspect - Marks a spacific time, usually followed by a word telling
you what the time was. |
Grammar notes |
Basic word order is SVO with obligatory tense marking before and aspect marking
after the verb. Most words can play the role of noun, verb, adjective, and
adverb, but will have the same basic meaning e.g. löl – food, eat, that is a
food, whilst eating.
Adjectives and adverbs come after the noun/verb, as do things such as relative
Here punctuation is the same as in English bar capitalisation, so yes that
really is a random sentence fragment.
secondary clauses such as those following bî and can' will have a noun or verb
after them depending on the clause. |