< 8: Valdyan by Irina Rempt Gladilatian by Dennis Paul Himes 10: Pfinnapex by Nicole Perrin >

Translated by: Dennis Paul Himes
Fetmep mep slfonatop nvet mewemsly nrau

Fmep hyamzetot hluryt vra hsmona fetfmep xvenlyma vu snau u.
Fmep hyahu hluryt vra hsmo fetfmep xvenlyma vu snau u.
Xa lrmneu hnyryk we slwlrnsawaot fetfmep xvenlyma vu snau u.
Soslfonatop fsusymy mnefmu xrtnfu nryxunuhu.

Fmep mzase hyazyozaot hluryt o fetfmep xvehehna vu snau u.
Fmep senyu fetmnyma hamrau wlaot fetfmep xvehehna vu snau u.
Fmep sefsumfeap melarek fethrona vzut nzoxak fetfmep xvehehna vu snau u.
Soslfonatop fsuwyet mnefmu xrtnfu nryxunuhu.
Smooth translation:
About the Stories of the Great Mother

She hears the good wind give health.
She hears the good river give food.
She hears the great unhappiness of exile.
You and I should both praise the Great Mother's ears.

She sees the tree give strength to the home.
She sees the darkness enclosed by the child's fear.
She sees the wealth which ends the sexual love between two family members.
You and I should both praise the Great Mother's eyes.
Translation of previous torch Missing
What follows is a line by line analysis of the translation. Each line's section
consists of four parts, the Gladilation, a morphemic analysis, a literal translation into
English, and a smooth translation.

0. Fetmep            mep        slfonatop
with-respect-to.which-(intrinsic)      which-(intrinsic)       very.mother.(proper noun)
nvet   mewemsly        nrau
creator    associated-with.(plural).story       this.thing
This thing about the stories with respect to which the Great Mother is the creator.
About the Stories of the Great Mother.

1. Fmep     hyamzetot               hluryt   vra
which-(habitual)      using-(for-its-own-sake).healthy.(abstractor)       giver           
hsmona    fetfmep           xvenlyma
wind                  with-respect-to.which-(habitual)       using-(as-a-tool).hearing
vu    snau             u.
aware         sentient.(nominalizer)       something
The fitting wind which is a giver of healthiness is something with respect to which a
sentient being is aware using hearing.
She hears the good wind give health.

2. Fmep      hyahu          hluryt   vra
which-(habitual)     using-(for-its-own-sake).food       giver              fitting
hsmo fetfmep               xvenlyma
river         with-respect-to.which-(habitual)       using-(as-a-tool).hearing
vu   snau            u.
aware      sentient.(nominalizer)            something
The fitting river which is a giver of food is something with respect to which a sentient
being is aware using hearing.
She hears the good river give food.

3. Xa    lrmneu          hnyryk we
because    (opposite).desired-by.something     distance     therefore
slwlrnsawaot         fetfmep              xvenlyma
very.(opposite).happy.(abstractor)      with-respect-to.which-(habitual)     
vu     snau        u.
aware     sentient.(nominalizer)      something
Because undesired distance therefore very unhappiness is something with respect to which a
sentient being is aware using hearing.
She hears the great unhappiness of exile.

4. Soslfonatop      fsusymy mnefmu
part-of.very.mother.(proper-noun)     two.ear        desired-by.me
xrtnfu          nryxunuhu.
verified-by.us-(inclusive)       efficient.something
The Great Mother's ears are something I want us to verify is good.
We should praise the Great Mother's ears.

5. Fmep     mzase         hyazyozaot
which-(habitual)     directed-to.storeroom    
hluryt o fetfmep             xvehehna
giver            tree    with-respect-to.which-(habitual)    using-(as-a-tool).sight
vu     snau          u.
aware     sentient.(nominalizer)     something
The tree which is a giver of strengthness for the storeroom is something with respect to
which a sentient being is aware using sight.
She sees the tree give strength to the home.

6. Fmep      senyu        fetmnyma     
which-(habitual)    under-the-control-of.child    with-respect-to.fear   
hamrau        wlaot    fetfmep           xvehehna
covered.something     dark.(abstractor)     with-respect-to.which-(habitual)    
vu    snau          u.
aware     sentient.(nominalizer)            something
The darkness which is a covered with respect to the fear of the child is something with
respect to which a sentient being is aware using sight.
She sees the darkness enclosed by the child's fear.

7. Fmep      sefsumfeap                   melarek
which-(habitual)    under-the-control-of.two.contemporary-family-members   
fethrona    vzut nzoxak fetfmep          xvehehna
with-respect-to.love    ending    wealth        with-respect-to.which-(habitual)   
vu   snau          u.
aware    sentient.(nominalizer)    something
The wealth which is the end of sexual love associated with sex between two contemporary
family members is something with respect to which a sentient being is aware using sight.
She sees the wealth which ends the sexual love between two family members.

8. Soslfonatop       fsuwyet mnefmu
part-of.very.mother.(proper-noun)     two.eye          desired-by.me
xrtnfu         nryxunuhu.
verified-by.us-(inclusive)     efficient.something
The Great Mother's eyes are something I want us to verify is good.
We should praise the Great Mother's eyes.

Glossary/mini dictionary Missing
Grammar notes Missing