Teonaht by Sally Caves 2: Eloshtan by Josh Roth >

Translated by: Sally Caves

Kwe ar hoja ouanfy, fel ai wem sonnentma.
Kwe cel milika ouanfy, effel ai wem winnyfda.
Kwe hyn voy korept oua fy, fyl nemral ai wem vannentma.
Mareadaf! Euil arttysin Bastedid mareadaf!

Kwe cel ydonar keinfy, fyl htinnel ai wem winnyfda.
Kwe hsob aippara keinfy, fyl tamolin wem ai ddrõlma.
Kwe hyn elnaowet darnendward,* fyl elvyna ai wem rõhhõntma.
Mareadaf! Euil tindo Bastedid mareadaf!
Smooth translation:
The Proverbs of Bastet

What you hear in the wind may heal you.
What you hear in the stream may feed you.
What you hear at the keyhole may make you heartsick.
Give praise, give praise to Bastet's ears!

What you see in the woods may feed your family.
What you see under the bed may scare your children.
What you see through your neighbor's window may chill your wife (to you).
Give praise, give praise to the vision of Bastet!
Translation of previous torch Missing
All the sentences except for the refrain follow this pattern (exhibited in the first line)
of subordinate clause with interrogative put first, followed by the main clause:

Kwe   cel   hoja   ouanfy, (SUBORDINATE CL.)
Int.pron.    prep.        dat.           non.vol.2nd sing.pres.

fel        ai        wem        sonnentma. (MAIN CL.)
acc.2nd sing.pron.     nom. neut.pron.      modal (uncert.)      3rd sing.pres.

Remember that Teonaht is an OV language, so objects go first, verbs last, and everything
else in between, with a few exceptions. In subordinate clauses, subject + verb is reversed
to verb + subject, as you can see above. Remember, too, that adjectives FOLLOW nouns, and
in the case of darnendwar, the possessive follows the noun. Glossary below: 
Glossary/mini dictionary
ai, it (used nominatively).
aippara, bed.
arttysin, from arttys, "ear," plus plural ending.
Bastedid, Bastet, plus possessive suffix.
cel, in.
darnendwar, neighbor. The final "d" is the possessive suffix; "neighbor's."
drõlma, make scared.
effel, to you (sing. familiar).
effyl, to your (sing. familiar).
elnaowet, a little window.
elvvyna, wife. Elvvynad, "wife's.
euil, to the.
fel, you (acc. sing. familiar)
fy, you (nom. sing. familiar)
fyl, your.
hoja, wind.
hsob, under.
htinnel, family.
hyn, through.
-id-, possessive suffix or prefix.
kein, from kened, "see" (non-volitional); keinfy, with 2nd pers. nom. sing. pron
keyfy, from keyrem, see volitionally, look at.
korep, key. voy korept, "hole for key."
kwe, interrogative object pronoun. "What."
mareadaf, from marrea, honor, praise, + darem, "give," give praise; final "f"
marks the imperative.
milika, brook, stream.
nemral, heart, nature.
oua, from ouarem, "listen to" (volitional);
ouan, from ouaned, "hear" (non-volitional);
    ouanfy (the -fy is the second person singular nominative familiar pronoun.
See fy above).
rõhhõntma,, from adj. rõhhõnt, cold, being cold, lofty, unemotional, critical,
plus marem, make, i.e., to make cold, frigid, distant.
sonnentma, from sonent (adj.) plus marem, to make; make healthy, sound, whole,
"to heal."
tamol, child; tamolin, "children."
tindo, vision.
vannentma, from vanent, sick, plus marem, make; make sick, sicken.
voy, hole (used in compounds: voy korept, "keyhole."
wem, the "uncertainty" modal, used to express possibility, probability, that
which may be. It can be translated by "may," "might," or "could" in English.
winnyfda, from winnyf, "food," and darem "give" to give food, feed.
ydonar woods, forest.
Grammar notes Missing