< 17: Darynese by Rebecca Harbison Taruven by kaleissin

Translated by: kaleissin
sāel leì llaì duaþ Malero-jï-kīr.

hrōim īes marru.

ī yéraseð yéllagalru reil mānti mānðe raelliaru saònes. sella Malero sin-vuh
fear ätšaða tiraþ, aò ī naàm.

sïtūgal gunu yšoŋ-vuhaþ, aò duaþel kannyn ī xve. harra-vuh ī ëše sen sïtūaþ, aò
keìn seneì skaronin. īel tšah rīvyšenn tireðið.

aga-vuh ī taheì tiraþ. rīvyšenn sažu kīron īaþ. īes marru. tri tir džin saònaþ.
Smooth translation:
I will tell the story "The man Malero's hand"

Last winter, he was happy.

His home is the large building outside made of rock from the stony desert by the
ocean. Malero was always looking for the white transparent boat, and he

A large bird stood on his shoulder, and the man tried to make it leave. However,
he didn't grab the bird. Finally, the animal began to hold on with its talons.
Then he saw the teacher's boat.

Afraid, he entered the boat. The teacher greeted him by the hand. He was happy.
Then the boat travelled the oceans.
Translation of previous torch
We talk about the man named Malero's hand story.

The previous winter, he is happy.

His home is the large/tall building outside made of bedrock from the stony
desert next to the ocean. Malero always looks for the white glass boat. And he

A large bird stands on his shoulder, and the man attempts to force it to leave.
However, he does not grab the bird. the animal finally begins to hold with its
talons. He sees now the teacher's boat.

Afraid, he enters the boat. The teacher waves hello to him. He feels joy. Now
the boat travels about on the ocean.
Interlinear Missing
Glossary/mini dictionary

y-: third person, inalienable possesseor
-aþ: object (case)
-el: experiencer-agent, subject of vexp-verbs (case)
-es: location-of
-ev: possessor
-eì: to begin (placed on verbs)
-eð: posssessed.by
-gal: augmentative
-im: previous
-in: paucal, plural for a few things or a known amount of things
-ið: indirect object marker (dative, case)
-jï-: inalienably possessed, owner-jï-possession
-nyn: attempt, try
-on: instrumental (case)
-ru: located-at (location-case)


aga-vuh: afraid
aò: and, and then (connects clauses only)
duaþ: man (actually, male person)
džin: to travel (v)
fear: white
gunu: to stand (vi)
harra-vuh: however, but
hrō: winter
keìn: animal/living creature
kīr: hand
leì: to tell a story (vexp)
llaì: story
mar: green, happiness, joy
mānti: made of stone
mānðe: full of stones, stony
naàm: wait
raellia: desert (actually, sand-land)
reil: outside
rīvyšenn: teacher
saòn: ocean, sea
sažu: greet
sella: always
sen: to hold (vt)
sin-vuh: search/look for
skar: thorn, claw, talon
sïtū: bird
taheì: to mount (vt, enter/climb up on something that moves instead of you)
tri: now
tšah: to see (vexp)
xve: leave, go away
yélla: house
yéras: home
ätšaða: transparent, glassy (see-through)
ī: third person singular
še sen: grab
šoŋ-vuh: shoulder
Grammar notes
* Articles (the, a): none
* Word order: Free, but due to problems in earlier relay I've made this
text SVO throughout (I hope). I've even added the odd serialized verb as
a dictionary entry...
* Number-suffixes: always comes last on a noun
* Copula: There isn't one.
* To have: no such verb exists. However, "x has y" can be gotten
through "xes yru", "x is the location of y"
* Location: A location is marked by -es (the most general, meaning
near, by) or other location markers (only -il used here). The thing
that is located is *also* marked, with -ru. So, "tirru saònes" means
"ship on sea" or "ship is on sea"
* Possession: Bodyparts are inalienably possessed, things are alienably
possessed (marked with -eð). ykīr "3rd person's hand", Malero-jï-kīr
"Malero's hand", Malero tireð "Malero's boat."
* Vexp, experiencer-verbs: The subjects of experiencer-verbs are
marked with -el. The object of an experiencer-verb is either a
noun-phrase marked with -ið, or a clause. "He/she saw the boat
travelling/moving." is thus "īel tšah tir džin".
Experiencer-verbs are used instead of the complement-that of
English. Indirect object: used either as sole constituent after
an experiencer verb or to mark benefactor of an action (any verb)
or as indirect object for a ditrabsitive verb.