Ilaini by Irina Rempt 2: Thalassan by Rob Haden >

Translated by: Irina Rempt
Huchei tabryshinan da folay fere

Myrea hostea custay, guzea, lidea, maryas so folay az dayen irashen. Li nysay.
Huchea bylea crinay bodinan crina so li denay, carisinan so lidei rhasean.
Maryis tacholsenan bireyn pythei amoyena folay. Ali relene rainei gynei amoyene
murenay. Relen ayali huchei cathein cholsean denay. Ilea ilie dystay so boday.
Rushtes ali denay so rustay datay soli. 
Smooth translation: Missing
Translation of previous torch Missing
Interlinear Missing
Glossary/mini dictionary
a- 	 	 equative prefix "as... as" (with ablative)
ali 		3rd person plural neuter object pronoun - them
ayali 		every, all
az 		preposition with the dative - with
biryn 	nII 	nut
boda 		to stick, to glue
bryshen 	nII 	pie (from brych-sen, "crust-thing")
byl 	nIII 	cooked, done
carisin 	nIIc 	spices
cathen 	nII 	mixture
cholsen 		ball
crin 		chopped, in small pieces crina - to chop, to cut up
custa 		to take, to get
da [verb] fere 		in order to, so that
datay 		until
dayen 	nII 	water
dena 		to aput
dysta 		to cover
fola 		to make
guz 	nIII 	oil
gyn 	nIII 	extended, spread out
host 	nIII 	white
huch 	nIII 	meat
ile 	nI 	half
irashen 	nII 	a dozen (literally "a count of twelve"), (with non-count nouns)
li 		3rd person singular neuter object pronoun - it
lid 	nIII 	salt
marys 	nIII 	paste, dough
moy 	nIII 	large, big
mura 		to flatten
myr 	nIII 	flour
nysa 		to put away, to set aside
pyth 	nIII 	brain (biryn pyth: walnut)
rain 	nIII 	hand
rel 	nIII 	round, circle
rhasen 	nII 	a little, a bit
rusta 		to bake
rushtas 	nII 	oven (from rust-yas, "bake-place")
so 		and
sol 	nIII 	gold, golden
ta- 		diminutive prefix
Grammar notes
Ilaini is relentlessly SOV, where O can range from nothing at all to a complete
sentence. In the present text some modifiers come after V, but that's an
artifact of the style, which is formal/technical in a very specific field; in
normal writing it's rare.

There are no articles. There is no copula in the present tense.

All verb forms in the text are second person singular present (imperfective);
this is also used for the singular imperative.

There is no real difference between nouns and adjectives (and indeed I've
glossed them all with 'n' though both functions occur).
Case marking
nominative 	[any] 	plural: -i-
genitive/ablative 	-ei- 	-eni-
dative/illative 	-e- 	-ene-
accusative 	-a- 	-ena-
locative/instrumental 	-ie- 	-ene-

(collective plurals have -in*- in all oblique cases instead of -en*-)

Nouns of class I ending in -e elide the ending before -ei and -ie but not before

Nouns of class II ending in a consonant keep that consonant in all cases, after
the case marker.

Nouns of class II in -yn and -ys merge the case ending with semivocalic -y-
(-ys, accusative -yas).

Nouns of class III (without an ending in the nominative singular) have the case
endings affixed directly to the root.

The use of "and": two constituents in the same phrase are connected like this:


and two phrases like this:


that is, 'so' comes *after* the first constituent of the second phrase. From
another text in the same genre: _ali so myray_ "and grind them".