Smooth translations of ring S, #10/R: The Olympic Relay

Jan van Steenbergen


Beware of the baby!

O dear, what's happened? Yesterday, a pretty young girl came to our
home to watch over the baby. She did what she could to entertain the
child: she played with it, sung songs for it, etc. But nevertheless,
the baby attacked her, tore her into pieces, devoured her, and it
threw the rest out the window. What to do, what to do? I really don't
know. And so, for the time being, we keep the affair silent, in order
to prevent the police from starting to ask annoying questions. 
Jörg Rhiemeier


Attention, angry baby!

Oh dear, what happened? Yesterday a young girl came to our pretty home
to watch over the baby. She did what she could to entertain the child:
she played with him, sang songs to him, etc. But despite that, the
baby attacked her, tore here apart, devoured her, and threw the
remains out of the window.

What to do? What to do? I don't know, and for now I conceal the
affair, lest the police will ask annoying questions. 
Geoff Eddy


Attention, angry baby!

Oh dear, what has happened? Yesterday a young girl arrived at our
pretty house to look after the baby. She did what she could to
entertain the baby: she played with him, sang songs to him, etc. But
despite that the baby attacked her, tore up her food, and threw the
remains out of the window.

What will I do? What will I do? Really, I don't know, and for now I
concealed the affair, so that the police would not answer difficult
Henrik Theiling


Caution, angry Baby!

Good griefs! What has happened? Yesterday, a young girl came to our
pretty house to look after our baby-boy. She did all she could to
entertain him: she played with him, sang to him, and much more. But
despite of this, the baby attacked her, teared apart his food, and
threw the remains out of the window.

What will I do? What will I do? I absolutely don't know. So now I have
hidden the event so that the police hopefully cannot ask difficult
Jan van Steenbergen


Be very careful: extremely angry small child.

Aaargh! What happened?

Apparently, a young lady arrived at my pretty home one day ago in
order to look after my little boy. She did all that was possible to
entertain him, like playing with him, singing for him, and much more.
But in spite of her efforts, the child attacked her. He pulled his
food [out of her hands], spoiled it, and threw the rest through the

What shall I do? What shall I do? I don't really know.

I want to make sure that people won't be able to start asking
difficult questions, and therefore I keep the event secret as long as


Beware: very bad toddler!

Aaaargh! What happened?

Apparently some young lady came to my beautiful house one day ago in
order to look after my little son. She did all that lied within her
possibilities to entertain him, for example by playing with him,
singing for him, and much more. But no matter how hard she did her
best, the child attacked her. She pulled his food out of her hand and
made it dirty. The rest he threw away through the window.

What shall I do? What shall I do? I haven't the faintest idea!

I want to be sure that people won't be able to start asking difficult
questions, and therefore I keep the event secret as long as I can.