Translated by: |
Geoff Eddy |
Torch: |
Aitid, eabhaid éaráth!
Oidh, codh aichdhíth? Eire un phaoll ghiuibhean féinith a noisd dhomh bheall por
costóidhír ill eabhaid. Sa féichíth tuath codh sa puthuíth por ill deileachtáir:
sa lúisíth coill, sa cadaíth cáide aill, e céithear. Seidh contra-mhinn, ill
eabhaid opannaít eall, ill deastraíth sua chian, e ill géichíth ealla realca
eich eall fheineasd.
Codh geo faichre? Codh geo faichre? Fiar-mhinn, no saiphe; nug geo chialaíth
eall chuas porcha ealla phoilíthe no roighreònn róghaithe difichle. |
Smooth translation: |
Attention, angry baby!
Oh dear, what has happened? Yesterday a young girl arrived at our pretty house
to look after the baby. She did what she could to entertain the baby: she played
with him, sang songs to him, etc. But despite that the baby attacked her, tore
up her food, and threw the remains out of the window.
What will I do? What will I do? Really, I don't know, and for now I concealed
the affair, so that the police would not answer difficult questions. |
Translation of previous torch |
Missing |
Interlinear |
Missing |
Glossary/mini dictionary |
a to
aichdhír to happen
aill to him
aitid attention
beall pretty
cad song
cadáir to sing
céithear cetera
chian food
cialáir to hide
codh what?, relative pronoun
coill with him
contra despite, against
costóidhír look after
cuas affair
deastráith to taer up
deileachtáir entertain
difichil awkward
domh house
e and
éaráth angry
eich out of
eabhaid baby, child
eire yesterday
faichir to do
féar true
féinir to come
fheineasd window
geichir to throw
geo I
giuibhean young
ill him
lúidhír to play
noisd our
nug now, for now
oidh oh, oh dear
opannáir to attack
paoll girl
poilíthe police (pl)
poithéir to be able
por for
porcha so that
realca remains (fem pl)
rogháir to ask
rogháth question
sa she (genitive "her" with lenition)
saiphéir to know
seidh but
sua his
tuath all |
Grammar notes |
3rd person singular past tense: -íth
1st singular future adds -e to infinitive, with lenition and syncope
3rd plural conditional adds -eònn
Feminine nouns lenite after articles, and adjectives lenite after feminine
The definite article is (singular) ill eall, (plural) ille ealla, in masc and
Plurals add -e, sometimes -a, with syncopation |