Smooth translations of ring A, #10/R: The Olympic Relay

Jan van Steenbergen


Beware of the baby!

O dear, what's happened? Yesterday, a pretty young girl came to our
home to watch over the baby. She did what she could to entertain the
child: she played with it, sung songs for it, etc. But nevertheless,
the baby attacked her, tore her into pieces, devoured her, and it
threw the rest out the window. What to do, what to do? I really don't
know. And so, for the time being, we keep the affair silent, in order
to prevent the police from starting to ask annoying questions. 
Arthaey Angosii


The story of the evil child

You know the tragedy that hit us. A beautiful woman came to the house
to see the child. She played with him*, played with him, and sang to
him. But the child attacked the woman. The child tore the woman's sikn
and ate her organs and spit the rest through a window to the ground.
What do we need to do? We don't know. Therefore, we hide the child
because a person need not ask about much tragedy, the person who
searches and wants to have many things. 


The story of the evil child

You know of the tragedy that befell us. A beautiful woman came to the
house to see the evil child. She entertained the child, played with
him*, and sang to him. But the evil child attacked her. He tore her
skin and ate her organs and spat the rest through a window to the
ground. What should we do? We don't know. Therefore, we hide the evil
child so that someone doesn't ask about this great tragedy, someone
who searches for and wants many things.