< 2: Teonaht by Sally Caves Rokbeigalmki by Steg Belsky 4: Hatasoe by Patrick Dunn >

Translated by: Steg Belsky
Solg-a tza'jeighihl sudgub - la'glendm uzoi.
Sha'nguhraashm-a tzuh-a ta'driyou-a uhzoi-datangwe golyil-a.
Vih~t - i silglil-a uhzoi-peres sha'eleni-a.
Akh zawa sha'jeighihl-tzat uhzoi-kheza~?
Smooth translation:
The song of a noisy bird - of greatnesses it is.
It's clothes in the dew the heron (tall bird) dips in and out.
The stars come out - and the songbird worships the dome [of stars].
But who sees [and understands] bird-ness? 
Translation of previous torch Missing
Solg-a tza'jeighihl sudgub - la'glendm uzoi:
[solg?a (ts)a (dZ)ejGIl sudgub la glEndm= uzO:j]

Sha'nguhraashm-a tzuh-a ta'driyou-a uhzoi-datangwe golyil-a
[Sa n"Vr&Sm=?a (ts)V?a ta drij&w?a VzOj datan"we goljil?a]

Vih~t - i silglil-a uzhoi-peres sha'eleni-a
[vI::t i silglil?a VzOj pErEs Sa ElEni?a]

Akh zawa sha'jeighihl-tzat uhzoi-kheza~
[ax za?wa Sa (dZ)ejGIl (ts)at VzOj xEza::]
Glossary/mini dictionary
-a = the
akh = but
datangwe (da + tangwe) = causative (da) form of "to enter and exit, dip in and
out, etc."
driyou = dew
eleni = dome (used to refer to the night sky, "dome of stars")
glendm (glend + m) = greatnesses, great deeds
golyil = heron (from goiyat "tallness" and jeighihl)
gub = sound, to make noise
i = and
jeighihl = bird
jeighihl-tzat = "birdness", the concept of being a bird, the essence of being a
kheza~ = to gaze, to actively look, to see and comprehend
la' = on, about, concerning
nguhraashm = clothes
peres = (to) worship
sha' = (direct object marker)
silglil = songbird, lark
solg = song, to sing
sud = (adjective marker)
sudgub = noisy (lit. "sound-ish", see sud and gub)
ta' = in
tza' = of
-tzat = (generalizing 'concept' suffix) -ness
tzuh = one's (genderless possessive adjective)
uhzoi- = subject-tense complex of "one" (common gender) present-routine tense
vih~t = the early part of the night, about an hour after sunset, when the stars
come out (from viht, "appear")
zawa = who
Grammar notes
When it has "the" attached to the end or a preposition attached to the front, a
noun's adjective must come after it. A noun with a subject-tense complex
attached to the front becomes a verb.

And, since people have been talking about the difficulties in pronouncing
conlangs from their orthography, here's IPA for the Rokbeigalmki version:

/(ts) (dZ)/ = affricates
/m=/ = syllabic
/r/ = alveolar flap
/n"/ = uvular nasal
/::/ = double long vowel