< 15: Brithenig by Andrew Smith Chleweyish by Carlos Thompson 17: Arovën by Joshua Shinavier >

Translated by: Carlos Thompson
pochen rumbe eb� wulo om�e eb� om� tell�e
pochen eb� nyivo e can wowta wowta om�e weyke �n nyoso
pochen eb� wulo e can sella sella cecca e om� lewme
wulo eb� syuda dawde ressy�e 
Smooth translation:
The great bird, its song it sings
bird of the river, its feathers shake in the mist
bird of the song, the stars of the night praise
[and] the song all the leaders listen

or even more plain:

The great bird sings its song
[this same] bird of the river shakes its feathers in the mist
[this same] bird of the song praises the stars of the night
[and] all the leaders listen [this] song 
Translation of previous torch Missing
pochen rumbe   eb�     wulo om�e    eb�
bird   big.ind ass.it1 song it1.ind ass.it2

  om� tell�e
  it1 sing-it2.ind

pochen eb� nyivo e        can
bird   it1 river poss.ind what-happen?

  wowta-wowta om�e    weyke     �n     nyoso
  feathers    it1.ind shake.ind where? mist

pochen eb� wulo e        can
bird   it1 song poss.ind what-happen?

  sella-sella cecca e        om� lewme
  stars       night poss.ind it1 praise.ind

wulo eb� syuda dawde   ressy�e
song it2 chief all.ind listen-it2.ind
Glossary/mini dictionary

(N for noun, V for verb or predicate, C for connector)

pochen: N bird
rumbi: V big (to be big)
eb-: pronoun assignation
om-: pronoun use
wulo: N song
telli: V to sing
nyivo: N river
can: C what? what happen?
wowta: N feather
weyki: V to shake
nyoso: N mist
sella: N star
cecca: N night
lewmi: V to praise
syuda: N chief, leader
dowdi: V all, to be all
ressyi: V to listen
Grammar notes
As Joshua complains the fourth line is like "a sudden reference to ice hockey in
a poem about daisies" due to a lack of a connector (I probably rushed a little).
I have not my notes at hand, the connector should be something like "when all
that happend then" and should surely be one word in Chleweyish.

I begin to doubt if wombi ("big") is really the way of saying "great".
Pronunciation (ASCII) text/plain