Asha'ille by Arthaey Angosii

Translated by: Arthaey Angosii
Ne Jénela Alunsa ne Gocreyal So'Chilocarn

Ayana ne en'i jho cresón, t'ne geithesa jho chilocarn.  Keyanu ne rékretil.  
Lo'mmavni eg melyáth enalnim vilo'ne gocreyal seith kilo.  Sireveith ne  dogir
golalen e"kath goldavni.  Vik'esni amulivleith ne kyar'ineji.  Vek'chuna
kkamavteith eg domirvonith, t'ves ashavni ssha cha'arevleni ne jénela ká'sshak. 
Kret'pas tugeiv n'o vépelai'kre nimael bisae'ev képelai. Adáshav geithsa ssha
kr'sirevni n'o ká'sshak.  Énillevni cresón ineji ne gir'migrá, t'vet
peinájiveith chilocarn eg kemeth iyenejin ket.  Yanú.
Smooth translation:
The Key of the Monastery

This is about a foreigner and a priest that s/he was acquainted with.  Once 
upon a time, this foreigner of dubious morals lived near the priest's monasery. 
The priest had great treasure, which the foreigner covetted.  S/he began working
there as a fake guard.  One day, the foreigner stopped the priest as he returned
and said to him, "Give me the key."  But it had been hidden so that it would not
be found.  He replied, "I don't have the key."  The foreigner guard was very
angry, so the priest escaped through a closed, hidden door.  
The end.
Translation of previous torch Missing
Ayana ne en'i jho cresón, t'ne    geithesa   jho chilocarn.
DeixS    R0   EQ: N       CONJ    R4      #1 EQ: N
ayana ne en'i jho cresón  te   ne geithe -sa jho chilocarn

Keyanu ne rékretil.
DeixT     N
keyanu ne rékretil

Lo'mmavni   eg    melyáth enalnim   vilo'ne  gocreyal seith     kilo.
V        R0 SUBJ: ADJ     N         ADV      N        POS  R4   /ADV
lo'mmav -ni eg    melyáth enaln -im vilo' ne gocreyal s-  -eith kilo

Sireveith   ne   dogir golalen e"kath  goldavni.
V      R4   OBJ: ADJ   N       OBJ:    V       R0
sirev -eith ne   dogir golalen egikath goldav -ni

Vik'esni     amulivleith      ne   kyar'ineji.
ADV  V    R0 V      OBJ: R4   OBJ: ADJ   N
vik' esv -ni amuliv -l-  eith ne   kyar' ineji

Vek'chuna  kkamavteith     eg domirvonith,
ADV  N     V          R4   V: V       >N  >ADJ
vek' chuna kkamav -t- eith eg domirv -on -ith

t'ves    ashavni   ssha cha'arevleni       ne   jénela ká'sshak.
CONJ ADV V      R0 QUO: IMP  V    OBJ: R0  OBJ: N      /QUO
te   ves ashav -ni ssha cha' arev -l-  eni ne   jénela ká'sshak

Kret'pas tugeiv n'o      vépelai'kre nimael  bisae'ev  képelai.
CONJ PST V      OBJ: PRO ADV      NEG        V         /ADV
kret pas tugeiv ne   no  vépelai' kre nimael bisae'ev képelai

Adáshav geithsa   ssha kr'sirevni    n'o      ká'sshak.
V       R4     #1 QUO: NEG V      R0 OBJ: PRO /QUO
adáshav geith -sa ssha kre sirev -ni ne   no  ká'sshak

Énillevni   cresón ineji ne   gir'migrá,
V        R0 N      N     OBJ: ADJ  N
énillev -ni cresón ineji ne   gir' migrá

t'vet    peinájiveith   chilocarn eg kemeth iyenejin ket.
CONJ ADV V         R4   N         V: ADJ    N        /ADV
te   vet peinájiv -eith chilocarn eg kemeth iyenejin ket

Glossary/mini dictionary
adáshav [@"dASAv]  "to reply", "to respond"
amuliv [Amu"lIv]  "to work", "to employ (oneself)"; can optionally take the
                  job position as an object
arev [@"r\Ev]  "to give"
ashav [A"SAv]  "to say", "to tell"
ayana [@"jAn@]  sets the primary subjects of the passage (see "Deixis")
bisae'ev [bi"seEv]  "to discover"
chilocarn [tSI"lokAr\n]  "priest", "helper of god"
chuna ["tSun@]  "day"
    vek'chuna   "one day, ..."
cresón [kr\E"son]  "foreigner", "utter stranger"
dogir [do"gir\]  "great", "valuable"
domirv [do"mir\v]  "to return", "to go back"
eg [Eg]  begins a phrase modifying the verb
egikath ["EgIkAT]  begins a phrase modifying the object, when no verb- and
                   subject-modifying phrases are present
    e"kath         shortened form of |egikath|
-eith [eT]  conjugation for |geithe|
enaln [E"nAl_n]  "moral", "philosophy of one's responsibilty to other's
en'i [En="i]  ~"self", the center of the personal network
énillev ["EnIlEv]  "to feel (an emotion)", "to sense"
geithe ["geT@]  ~"acquaintance", fourth ring from center
gir' [gir\]  intensifier
gocreyal [go"kr\ejAl]  "monastery", "large church"
golalen [go"lAlEn]  "treasure", "covetted thing"
goldav [gol"dAv]  "to want", "to covet"
-im [Im, m=]  plural
-ith [IT]  adjectivizer
ineji [I"nEdZI]  "protector", "guard"
iyenejin [IjE"nEdZIn]  "door", "protective barrier"
jénela ["dZEnEl@]  "password", "key", "acceptable motives"
jho [Zo]  form of |jhor'| used only in deixis-changing sentences
jhor' [Zor\]  opening of an equivalence phrase; see also |te|
ká'sshak ["kAS@_XSAk]  ends quoted dialogue
kek [kEk]  ends a phrase beginning with |vek'|
kemeth ["kEmET]  "closed", "shut"; connotes "hidden", "concealed"
képelai ["kEpElai]  ends a phrase beginning with |vépelai'|
ket [kEt]  ends a phrase beginning with |vet'|
keyanu [ke"jAnu]  sets the time of the passage (see "Deixis")
kik [kIk]  ends a phrase beginning with |vik'|
kilo ["kIlo]  ends a phrase beginning with |vilo'|
kkamav [k@_X"kAmAv]  "to stop (moving)", "to halt"
kret [krEt]  "but"
kyar' [kjAr]  "false", "deceitful"
-l- [l]  preceedes the object of the verb
lo'mmav [lom@_X"mAv]  "to live (in a location)"
melyath ["mEljAT]  "unique", "distinct from the norm or majority"
migrá [mI"gr\A]  "angry", "anger"
ne [nE]  marks the following word as the object
-ni [ni]  conjugation for |en'i|
nimael [nI"mel]  "would", ~"hypothetically-possibly"
no [no]  pronoun referring to last noun mentioned; normally does not refer to
-on [on]  gerund
pas [pAs]  past tense
peinájiv [pe"nAdZIv]  "to escape", "to flee"
rékretil ["r\Ekr\@tIl]  "long ago"
    keyanu ne rékretil "once upon a time"
s- [s]  possessive; see also |so'|
-sa [sA]  first numbered suffix
sirev [sr\="Ev]  "to have"
so' [so]  possessive when owner is anything besides a pronoun; see also |s-|
ssha [S@_X"SA]  begins quoted dialogue; see also |ká'sshak|
-t- [t]  causative (by something other than the subject)
te [tE]  (1) "and"  (2) closing of an equivalence phrase
tugeiv [tu"gev]  "to hide", "to secrete"
vek' [vEk]  "when"; see also |kek|
vépelai ["vEpElai]  "reason", "purpose", especially in the long-term; see also
ves' [vEs]  "simultaneously"; see also |kes|
    t'ves   "and then...", "at the same time, ..."
vet' [vEt]  "therefore"; see also |ket|
vik' [vIk]  "now"; see also |kik|
vilo' ["vIlo]  "near", "close to"; see also |kilo|
yanú [jA"nu]  ends the passage; restores default deixis
Grammar notes Missing