< 2: Kash by Roger Mills Verdurian by Philip Newton

Translated by: Philip Newton
Rhezec sicha prosne irco dhitel kiam lelne redelcä co dhitelán ke tombree er zet
dhevnere. Fue prosice shushchata er crurî lië fueu azhtranulî. 

Ilan appakne she chascurec ilat colapren. Ilan mizhe: "Rho nkashanei! Epai
sënuléce erh colapren." 

Soa redelcë ilet rihne er mizhe: "Tana, maris esë silore mudhe colapreca lë." 

So rhezec ilan mizhe: "Prokio? Ktë e?" Soa redelcë ilun advedne: "E im ce-domán
er sicha cumásue dhinem mesem taë."
Smooth translation:
A worker was walking along a road when he saw a woman by the side of the road
who had fallen and had injured herself. She was nearly dead and her legs were
cut off. 

He approached here, hoping to help her. He said to her, "Don't be afraid! I can
surely help you." 

The woman looked at him and said, "Truly, my husband needs your help more." 

The worker said to her, "Why? Where is he?" 

The woman answered him, "He's in that house and is caring for our three
Translation of previous torch Missing
Rhezec sicha prosne irco dhitel kiam lelne redelcä co dhitelán ke
NNS    D     V3s-   R    NAS    P    V3s-  NAS     R  NDS      PNS
rhezec sicha prosan irco dhitel kiam lelen redelcë co dhitel   ke

tombree er zet dhevnere.  Fue  prosice shushchata er crurî lië   fueu
V3sP    C  PAS V3sP       V3s- D       AFNS       C  NNP   P3sfG V3p-
tombir  er ze  dhevan     esan prosice shushchat  er crur  ila   esan


Ilan  appakne she chascurec ilat  colapren.  Ilan  mizhe: "Rho
P3sfD V3s-    R   VI        P3sfA VI         P3sfD V3s-    D   
ila   appakan she chascurec ila   colapren   ila   mizec   rho

nkashanei! Epai sënuléce erh  colapren."
V3s!       V1s0 D        P2sA VI
nkashan    epan sënuléce le   colapren

Soa  redelcë ilet  rihne er mizhe: "Tana, maris esë  silore  mudhe
AFNS NNS     P3smA V3s-  C  V3s-    D     NNS   P1sG V3s0    D
so   redelcë ilu   rihan er mizec   tana  maris se   siloran mudhe

colapreca lë."
NAS       P2sG
colapreca le

So   rhezec ilan  mizhe: "Prokio? Ktë e?"
AMNS NNS    P3sfD V3s-    D       P   V3s0
so   rhezec ila   mizec   prokio  ktë esan

Soa  redelcë ilun  advedne: "E    im ce-domán er sicha cumásue
AFNS NNS     P3smD V3s-      V3s0 R  *  NDS   C  D     V3s0
so   redelcë ilu   advechen  esan im ce dom   er sicha cumásuir

dhinem mesem taë."
dhin   meca  ta
Glossary/mini dictionary
Parts of speech are marked as follows: (m) male noun, (f) female noun, (adj)
adjective, (adv) adverb, (prep) preposition, (pron) pronoun, (v) verb, (conj)

Email me if I forgot to include a word in this glossary! Or have a look at the
Verdurian-English dictionary and English-Verdurian dictionary. 

advechen (v) - to answer 
appakan (v) - to approach 
azhtranul (adj) - cut-off 
ce- - that (example: ce-cuon = that dog) 
chascurec (v) - to hope 
co (prep) - by the side of, alongside 
colapreca (f) - help 
colapren (v) - to help 
crur (m) - leg 
cumásuir (v) - to take care of, to care for 
dhevan (v) - to injure 
dhin (adj) - three 
dhitel (m) - road 
dom (m) - house 
epan (v) - to be able to; "can" 
er (conj) - and 
esan (v) - to be 
ila (pron) - she (3s fem personal pronoun) 
ilu (pron) - he (3s masc personal pronoun) 
im (prep) - in (with dative); into (with accusative) 
irco (prep) - up, along (as in: travel up/along a river) 
ke (pron) - who (interrogative or relative personal pronoun) 
kiam (pron) - when (interrogative or relative) 
ktë (pron) - where (interrogative or relative) 
le (pron) - you (2s personal pronoun; familiar) 
lelen (v) - to see 
maris (m) - husband 
meca (f) - daughter 
mizec (v) - to say 
mudhe (adv) - more 
nkashan (v) - to be afraid, to fear 
prokio (adv) - why? 
prosan (v) - to walk 
prosice (adv) - nearly 
redelcë (f) - woman 
rhezec (m) - worker, labourer 
rho (adv) - not; (before imperatives) don't 
rihan (v) - to look at 
se (pron) - I (1s personal pronoun) 
she (prep) - (with infinitive) "while ...-ing" or simply "...-ing" 
shushchat (adj) - dead 
sicha (adv) - (this adverb changes the verb into a progressive form, indicating
that something is currently happening, that something is not completed, or that
something was happening when something else happened. It acts a bit like the
imperfect in French or progressive forms in English or Spanish, or imperfective
verbs in Russian. For example, "sicha X kiam Y" with X and Y in the past tense
is "while X was happening, Y happened" or "X was happening when Y happened";
"sicha Z" with Z in the present tense is "Z is happen-ing".) 
siloran (v) - to need, to require 
so (adj) - the definite article (declines like an adjective) 
sënuléce (adv) - surely, certainly 
ta (pron) - we (1p personal pronoun) 
tana (adv) - truly, indeed 
tombir (v) - to fall 
ze (pron) - 3s/3p reflexive pronoun (lavan = to wash, zet lavan = to wash
Grammar notes
For more grammatical information, see Mark Rosenfelder's Verdurian pages
starting at http://www.zompist.com/verdurian.htm, specifically
http://www.zompist.com/syntax.htm and http://www.zompist.com/morphology.htm. 

To save space, I'll use an abbreviated form to describe the words. The first
letter says what part of speech a word is: N=noun, V=verb, R=pReposition,
A=adjective, P=pronoun, D=aDverb, C=conjunction. * marks an undeclined particle.

For nouns, the second letter gives the case: N=nominative, G=genitive, D=dative,
A=accusative. The third letter gives the number: S=singular, P=plural. 

For adjectives, the second letter gives the gender: M=masculine, F=feminine.
After that come letters for case and number as for nouns. The definite article
is marked as 'adjective' because its forms are those of a regular adjective. 

For verbs, the second and third characters show person: 1s,2s,3s,1p,2p,3p. The
fourth character shows tense: 0=present, -=past, P=past anterior (pluperfect),
!=imperative. Infinitives are marked with "VI". The past anterior is used to
describe events which happened before another event which is in the past tense.

Personal pronouns have letters for person as for verbs and for case as for
nouns. The "person" indicator may be followed by 'm' or 'f' for 3s to indicate
masculine or feminine third person singular pronouns. Other pronouns (especially
interrogative and relative pronouns), if they have letters, have them in the
order case and then number, if appropriate. 

Note that the genitive form of personal pronouns is used as a possessive: "cuon
esë" = "my dog" (literally, "dog of-me"). 

Note the case that locative prepositions such as "irco, co, im" take: with the
accusative, the meaning is of movement; with the dative, the meaning is of
location. For example, "im mazhtana" (acc) = "into the city" and "im mazhtanan"
(dat) = "in the city".