< 17: Chleweyish by Carlos Thompson Jameld by James Campbell

Translated by: James Campbell
»Aazda t~sa' paptt~sen morn«

Aazda t~sa' paptt~sen morn
Te münien anvül inte wadin
Link vorvor, Aazda t~sefmä te münien
Jüji et fame süb te stéres
und äre rastin inte wadin
Te münien dans, inek et'st so dusi
tes aunt twech t~sën lauk an uth an
und aunt träun lauk an uth träun
und beg^raft etü yamunth jist fri
Te münien t~sa' isten dëyibéri morn
und etü séjel t~sa' anvülen an prith mor
Smooth translation: Missing
Translation of previous torch
"Aazda will Speak Tomorrow"

Aazda will speak tomorrow
The moon walks in the forest
Long ago, Aazda created the moon
Now it lives under the stars
and takes rests in the forest
The moon dances, intil it is so dizzy
that one branch looks like another one
and one sorrow like another sorrow
and soon its mind is free
The moon will be reborn tomorrow
and its soul will walk once more
Aazda t~sa' paptt~sen   morn
Aazda FUT   speak-INFIN tomorrow

* _Aazda_: Jameldicized version of "Asida"
* _morn_: tomorrow or morning. It could have been "Aazda will speak in the
* I've chosen to translate the piece into informal Jameld, rather than give
it a starchy formal feel. Hence the _t~sa' xxxen_ construction for the
future tense: _t~sa'_ is a colloquial shortening of _t~sald_, and the formal
future tense is quite differently formed.

Te  münien anvül     inte   wadin
The moon   walk-PRES in-the forest

* Again, informal _inte_ rather than formal _int te_.

Link vorvor, Aazda t~sefmä     te  münien
Long ago     Aazda create-PAST the moon

Jüji et fame        süb   te  stér-es
Now  it reside-PRES under the star-PL

* "It", i.e. the moon. I decided to keep it an "it", rather than
the moon any more, which wouldn't be very Jameldic.

  und äre     rastin        inte   wadin
  and do-PRES rest-PRESPART in-the forest

* _äre rastin_: a construction indicating repeated actions, as opposed to a

Te  münien dans,      inek  et'st so dusi
The moon   dance-PRES until it is so dizzy

  tes  aunt twech  t~sën     lauk an uth   an
  that one  branch seem-PRES like an other one

  und aunt träun  lauk an uth   träun
  and one  sorrow like an other sorrow

  und beg^raft etü yamunth jist fri
  and soon     its mind    is   free

Te       münien t~sa' isten    dë-yibéri morn
The/this moon   FUT   be-INFIN re-born   tomorrow

* _Te_ here can be interpreted as an implicit "this", i.e. the *same* moon
will be back. Instead of the old formal _oquo_, I'm increasingly using _te_
as a generic demonstrative, with _eri_ (here) or _lerid_ (there) where
necessary to distinguish between objects. It feels freer and more informal.
(cf. development of English "that" from OE.)

  und etü séjel t~sa' anvülen    an prith mor
  and its soul  FUT   walk-INFIN a  time  more

* _an prith mor_: had to come up with a Jameldic idiom for "once again".
This'll do.
Glossary/mini dictionary Missing
Grammar notes Missing