< 8: račonese by Andrew Orr Ronc Tyu by Jan Strasser 10: Ilaini by Irina Rempt >

Translated by: Jan Strasser
Táe yu ugei fec gibyùc.
Trà ntrèc ugei bùn tśa tou runc vyei yu fwenc odzac twinc. Fyec sru man ugei
dàon tyóu nyu ndlíc glúo. Ndzì nu soc tśi bè fwinc hxaenc gibyùc tśi, o ndzì yao
nu soc tśi ràe tenc tśi lo pwec ró nanda. Wo ki hxaenc tśi, ugei ao kóan ndźi
ndźi tou nù gyào dzó tèin gyác to. O trà mè tśi nrà ndza dzac ki kén, pyu kù
ndlíc pòc zò tśi mbrinc tùc en ndùc. Ugei tyòu ndzì, o dzó yéi dric kèa ndźác
Smooth translation:
Story of an ambitious warrior chieftain.
Long ago there was a chieftain who lived in the land near the source of the
northern river. One day, the chieftain dared to try some strong magical herbs.
They made him think ambitious thoughts, and they made him desire that he would
be more powerful. Having these ideas, the chieftain really wanted to conquer
much more land which he would then rule over. And he was indeed able to achieve
this goal, because the magical herbs had given him the courage and knowledge to
fight a battle. The chieftain ate them, and then he attacked and defeated his
Translation of previous torch
A long time ago, there was a king at the source of the northern river. He ate a
plant which made him think bad thoughts, and which created in him a desire to be
more powerful. Therefore he wanted to expand his kingdom.
About a bloodthirsty king
He found the desired thing because the plant that had been eaten by the ruler
gave him the knowledge to attack. Then he ate, and he attacked him on purpose.
Interlinear Missing
Glossary/mini dictionary
word	morphology	type	meaning
ao		v.tr	want
bè		v.it	be drunk, be intoxicated
bùn		pron	(relative pronoun, animate)
byùc	attr gibyùc	v.it	be ambitious
dàon		v.it	dare, venture, take a chance
dric		v.tr	attack
dyao		n.a.coll	enemies (as a group)
dzac		v.tr	finish, complete
dzó		pron	the same one (animate)
en		v.tr	fight
fec		n.a	warrior
fwenc		n.a	river
fwinc		v.tr	think, reflect, consider, assume
fyec		v.tr	happen, occur (may introduce a temporal noun phrase)
gyác		v.tr	control, manage, rule, govern
gyào		pron	(relative pronoun, inanimate)
hxaenc		n.i.coll.poss	mind, thoughts, ideas
ki		det	this
kèa		v.tr	hit, strike
kén		n.i.coll	task, mission, quest, project
kóan		v.tr	seize, conquer
kù		det	that
lo		v.tr	become
man		n.a	day
mbrinc		v.it	be brave, be courageous
mè		cj	(complementizer, mirative, indicates unexpected information)
nanda		v.it	gain power, rise to glory
ndlíc		n.a.coll	magical herbs, drugs
ndùc		n.i	battle
ndza		v.it	be successful, hit the target
ndzì		pron	(3rd person animate paucal/collective)
ndźác		v.tr	defeat
ndźi		qu	much, a lot, a large amount of (used with collective nouns)
nrà		v.it	can, be able
ntrèc		adv	long ago
nu		v.tr	push, have an influence on
nù		adv	really, indeed
nyu		v.tr	see
o		cj	and, also (used with clauses)
odzac		pp.n	to the north of
pòc		v.tr	give (as a gift)
pwec		v.it	be heroic, be famous, be noble
pyu		cj	because
ràe		v.tr	wish, hope
ró		v.it	be special, be unique
runc		pp.n	near, beside, close to
soc		v.tr	give; (in SVC) cause, bring about
sru		det	(indefinite determiner, animate)
táe		n.a	story, legend
tèin		adv	then (in the future)
tenc		cj	(complementizer)
to		pron	(3rd person inanimate singular/collective)
tou		n.i.coll	land, country
trà		v.it	exist (used with VS word order)
tśa		v.tr	dwell at, live in
tśi		pron	(3rd person animate singular/singulative)
tùc		v.tr	know (how to do sth.)
twinc		adv	here
twó	attr glúo	v.it	be strong
tyòu		v.tr	eat
ugei		n.a	chieftain, leader
vyei		n.i	spring, well, source
wo		pp.v	with, by, using (instrumental)
yao		adv	too, also, as well
yéi		adv	then (in the past)
yu		pp.n	of, belonging to, associated with
zò		v.tr	put, place
Idiomatic serial verb constructions
SVC	type	meaning	comments
tyòu nyu	svc.tr	taste, try (solid food)	(lit. eat see)
Grammar notes
Nouns can be animate or inanimate, countable or collective, and optionally or
obligatorily possessed.
Countable nouns refer to single entities, and may inflect for plural number.
Collective nouns refer to a collection of items by default, and may inflect for
singulative number if only one single member of the collection is referenced.
However, there are no morphologically plural or singulative forms in this
Obligatorily possessed nouns (which may be further characterized by an
attributive verb) must be followed immediately by their possessor, without any
explicit marking. Optionally possessed nouns form possessive phrases with a
Verbs inflect for passive voice and for the attributive (a kind of participle,
which makes up for the fact that Ronc Tyu does not have a lexical class of
adjectives). Passives are not used here; all attributive forms which occur in
this text are given in the wordlist.
Ronc Tyu distinguishes between two types of prepositions: Adnominal prepositions
(pp.n) refer only to noun phrases (e.g. "the tree on the hill"), whereas
adverbial prepositions (pp.v) always refer to the clause (e.g. "I'm standing on
the hill"). Adnominal prepositions may be nested within an adverbial
prepositional phrase.
The basic word order is SVO, with occasional exceptions (for example in
existential statements).
Phrases are typically head-initial, with modifiers following their heads.
Ronc Tyu frequently uses serial verb constructions (SVC) consisting of two or
more verbs to describe complex actions and situations, with the component verbs
typically appearing in the chronological order of subevents. Some common
collocations have a slightly idiomatic meaning, but most of the SVC instances in
this text should be fairly transparent. One particularly idiomatic SVC is given
in the wordlist.
Some types of SVC can also serve a grammatical purpose, for example describing
cause-event relationships or adding modal or aspectual information.
Most SVC have the shape N₁ V V (V) (N₂), with all verbs sharing the same subject
N₁ (and, where relevant, the same object N₂).
Another type of SVC with the shape N₁ V (V) N₂ V (V) (N₃), where the middle noun
phrase N₂ simultaneously functions as the object of the verb(s) before it and as
the subject of the verb(s) after it.
Relative clauses always contain an overt pronoun referring to the relativized
element within the relative clause (i.e. they follow a pronoun-retention
A few words lexically require unusual syntactic constructions; this has been
noted in the wordlist where relevant.

A more elaborate grammatical description of Ronc Tyu can be found at