Feimoranti by Daniel Swanson 2: łaá siri by Zach Wellstood >

Translated by: Daniel Swanson
longaish mkadku gkadingali zaztangai mkal fhu tkaneike shanairo mka'aikte
kafukai si rkadfeiraza matudai. -Rutadadsi
gkadish shav ingo munei airigkadeite longai mkadku fer fish kalistodai zazeto
nangi surk longaish mkadku shanirail shav fereinish mkaludai zazeto fhu ot.
sish kaliro fhu mkal fer longaish longo fhu rtunte.
Smooth translation:
He who produces magically enhanced potatoes which are capable of understanding
shall be given a gift consisting of zibbles by order of the king. -Rutadadsi
It has been discovered that magically enhanced potatoes become sentient and
declare war on us.
Therefore, those who produce magically enhanced potatoes shall be given a full
complement of zibbles.
These zibbles shall punish them, and might also eat the potatoes.
Translation of previous torch Missing
Interlinear Missing
Glossary/mini dictionary
adku - enhanced
ali - able, capable
mka - absurd, impossible
shav - full, complete, sufficient
fhu - future tense
kafu - present tense
kai - ongoing
munei - begin
rtunte - maybe, perhaps
angai - result
ish - accusative
raza - by (used for evidentiality)
udai - genitive
urk - dative
fer - and
nangi - therefore, thus
Derivational Suffixes
du - abstract nominalizer (for adjectives)
el - concrete nominalizer (for adjectives)
te - patient nominalizer (for verbs), adverbifier (for nouns)
aike - reality
fei - statement, proclamation
ferein - collection, group, complement
gkadei - knowledge
kalisto - war
matei - king
moranti - the name of the species that speaks this language
ongai - a plant's root
rkadei - might, authority
Rutadadsi - the name of the king
shan - idea, thought, dream
ot - 1st person
si - 3rd person
Verbal Agreement Suffixes
ail - head noun should be nominative
eike - head noun should be accusative
o - not a relative clause
airi - give birth
inge - have, posess
kalire - punish
longe - eat
tkan - compose, be a part of
zazet - give
Grammar notes
Free word order, but typically OVS
Adjectives follow nouns and adverbs follow verbs
Relative clauses follow nouns, and mark the role of the noun on the verb
No plurals or articles

modifier + root
root + suffix
the same character twice in a row will be deduplicated (note that h is always
the end of a digraph)
when 2 vowels are in contact, delete the one lower on this chain:
o > u > ai = a > i > ei > e
in the case of a coming into contact with ai, leave them both and put an
apostrophe between them
when the same vowel (other than a) occurs in 2 consecutive syllables:
1. delete the first one
2. if 1. produces an invalid consonant cluster (see below) delete the second one
3. if both 1. and 2. produce invalid clusters, move the first one down one place
in the above vowel hierarchy
a valid consonant cluster is any single consonant followed by t or k, or f or s
before or after any single consonant when not at the beginning or end of a word